What did you learn today? Part II

New info from MIL.

Seems she was never willing to go through this anyway. She just wanted to see how much we wanted it. Hubby is very upset and angry. He and the Pastor talked this morning about it all. They sat down with MIL. She is willing to get everything from that conversation in writing and get it notarized. She is not aware that Pastor videotaped it as insurance. She has a CD coming available in December. She will allow hubby to have that. We are looking into moving to Central FL where I grew up. She is upset, but understands. We will not lose any inheritance. She may sell the house, but most likely not. It all depends on if she needs the money from it for nursing home care. She does not want any home care at all. When she gets to where she cannot care for herself with a little help, then she will go into a nursing home as her wish. We will get whatever is left after her death.

Hubby has applied online to 4 places and we have checked the online newspapers for the area we want to go to. There is also housing that we could afford. We would use the money from her for moving and down payments and then she will send more when it becomes available. Hubby will drive down to see her once a month and we will all go down at holidays or something. She knows she was taking advantage of me and my help and admits that that is the way she is.

I feel like saying: "Tune in tomorrow for the next adventures of As The Stomach Churns"
I'm glad things are turning out well for you after all! But I am sorry she made you go thru this.
Videotaping someone without their knowledge is not legal.
I am pretty lots of low my energy seems pretty sometimes!
Hm, seem to be having trouble quoting kristina's post so I can reply.

Anyway, this is big news, Kristina, and I'm glad you and hubby are looking into what options you have.

Now we just have to find you gas money!!! :lol: (from the other thread)
I'm so confused, Kristina...first you were moving out of Fla., back to Missouri...then decided not to...then the next thing you were "remodeling the garage" into a house for you and ur family....now ur moving to Central Florida?...All in all, I do wish you the best...I'm just really confused here...maybe I missed a couple of ur posts?
It is if they want to use it for purposes of inheritance in case of a change in will.

Right now she's trying to keep her family together, find good options, money, everything. The big picture doesn't really factor in a video recording at this immediate moment.
I learned that two of my good friends are coming over soon to help me decide on what color to paint my kitchen. I asked them to come over but they werent sure and just got a text from them saying that they are on the way. Yay!
I'm so confused, Kristina...first you were moving out of Fla., back to Missouri...then decided not to...then the next thing you were "remodeling the garage" into a house for you and ur family....now ur moving to Central Florida?...All in all, I do wish you the best...I'm just really confused here...maybe I missed a couple of ur posts?

The whole saga is in the What did you learn thread. Sorry. MIL is being a pain again.
So is your hubby her guardian?

N she refuses anything like that. She was in the same room with hubby and Pastor. She knows Pastor videotapes all meeting like this. Hubby was not aware and Pastor informed him. All in the room were then aware that it was being taped and MIL knows the tape is there for when she makes all the arrangements. She relies on it at times due to her memory loss that she will not admit to all the time.
I notice too much reason I think so possible doesn't work health fail, I might to probably hard issues condition!
New info from MIL.

I feel like saying: "Tune in tomorrow for the next adventures of As The Stomach Churns"

Hope this all works out for you!!

I know what you mean by "Tune in tomorrow...". I'm still not the legal guardian for the girl who has been living with me since last fall. Her mom is still in the area, so I'm in no hurry. Her mom is supposed to be taking care of the paperwork (though I'm the one who will be "petitioning" the court), so I'm just waiting for the "meet me at the court" call (though I'll probably have to give her a ride to the court...that's another story). Her daughter and I are always saying "I'll believe it when it happens".

Again, I hope the move works out for you.
I am pretty lots of tough learn it images! I don't know pretty ! I learn it anxiety issues often! I am very pretty lots of adjust to effort!
I've learned that I miss home schooling small children. I like the hands-on stuff. My kids have both now dropped out due to issues, but I do still work with them, but it's not the same.

I am currently copying all kinds of my lessons for bible related things onto a flash drive so we can start a Sunday School class. There are a total of 5-7 children with the deaf church. Ages 3-12. We also have a newborn, but it will be a few weeks before she comes in.
Kristina, I went back and read thru all ur posts, and now I see what's been happening.

Too much drama to absorb!...I've never had to go thru something like this....and feel for you, as I don't know how I would deal with it. As for ur daughter having to sleep on the floor, that would be the last straw I would have taken from the MIL....and as some other posters have said....even my own dog does not sleep on the floor!.....it's obvious that the MIL isn't playing with a full deck.

But, I would check into HUD housing, and I'm sure there could be some nice places for you & your family. A House, not an apartment complex. There is a waiting list for that, but once you get it to going, the sooner you & your family would be out of there.

As far as the inheritance or $$ goes, that would be the last thing on my mind when having to live in such a situation as you are in. You & your family deserve better!...I would get out of there, no matter the cost and tell her to stick her inheritance ur her arse! I'm serious on that point!...I would put an end or a (.) to all of that drama...and move on....You or ur Hubby needs to get a "backbone" on this situation and do what's "best" for your family. I'm sure ur kids are and have been suffering through this also.
Kristina, I went back and read thru all ur posts, and now I see what's been happening.

Too much drama to absorb!...I've never had to go thru something like this....and feel for you, as I don't know how I would deal with it. As for ur daughter having to sleep on the floor, that would be the last straw I would have taken from the MIL....and as some other posters have said....even my own dog does not sleep on the floor!.....it's obvious that the MIL isn't playing with a full deck.

But, I would check into HUD housing, and I'm sure there could be some nice places for you & your family. A House, not an apartment complex. There is a waiting list for that, but once you get it to going, the sooner you & your family would be out of there.

As far as the inheritance or $$ goes, that would be the last thing on my mind when having to live in such a situation as you are in. You & your family deserve better!...I would get out of there, no matter the cost and tell her to stick her inheritance ur her arse! I'm serious on that point!...I would put an end or a (.) to all of that drama...and move on....You or ur Hubby needs to get a "backbone" on this situation and do what's "best" for your family. I'm sure ur kids are and have been suffering through this also.

That's why we are looking into again moving to Central, FL. We had given it up due to her requests, but she has just basically broken that last straw. We are looking to get the money together and hopefully by January we will be able to move. We will see. Just checking out options. Hubby wants to get far enough away that she can't have a friend drive her to check in with us weekly, but close enough that he can still check in if a medical emergency comes up. Lake Wales area is about 3 1/2-4 hours away and that will work.
I wait for my sister coming soon baby I think so soon anytime I will become uncle I am surprised whoot! I am exciting I don't know when my sister probably I miss my sister long time!