No, no room, it would have to be in the bedroom and right now in a 12X12 room, there is a double bed, 1 night stand (MIL's), 1 double dresser (MIL's), 2 dressers (ours), DVD tower (ours), desk, file cabinet and bookshelf for printer and papers (all ours). The space daughter sleep in is 30 inches wide and 7 feet long and if we put anything there like a cot, then the bathroom is not able to be gotten to.
That's why I say MIL did not prepare for us to be here even though she begged for us to come down. Three bedroom and she had stuff in all three of them. All of the closets are filled with her stuff. In our closet, we have a 3 foot section for clothes for daughter, hubby and myself. Everything is wrinkled and I have to iron at least 3 times a week. In son's/mother's room (they share) they have a 2 foot section of closet to use and that room has a double closet. In MIL's room, her closet is a double closet and one side is all pants and the other is shoes, tops and housecoats and dresses. Our closet has clothes dating back to before she was married and the clothes that are 2 sizes too small for her. The other closet (son's/mother's) has clothes that are 2 sizes too big in case she gains too much weight. She refuses to clean them out.