What did you learn today? Part II

MIL just informed me that she is now refusing to help us with getting the garage converted over. She will not do it until hubby gets a better paying job. She is refusing to help us at all.

why not! I wonder I am surprised, I consider terrible hard to tough family
MIL just informed me that she is now refusing to help us with getting the garage converted over. She will not do it until hubby gets a better paying job. She is refusing to help us at all.

lol... that was to be expected, isn't it?
lol... that was to be expected, isn't it?

No it wasn't. She just in a pissy mood since hubby went begging to her for some money for something. I was staying quiet. I know we can make the payments that the loan would be for, but she doesn't think we can. My ppor daughter has spent the last 2 years sleeping on the floor and now there is no relief in sight for her. Not allowed to sleep on the couch because it will mess it up and require steam cleaning before we could let anyone come visit.

I'm glad you find this even slightly funny. Now I know what you are really like.
No it wasn't. She just in a pissy mood since hubby went begging to her for some money for something. I was staying quiet. I know we can make the payments that the loan would be for, but she doesn't think we can. My ppor daughter has spent the last 2 years sleeping on the floor and now there is no relief in sight for her. Not allowed to sleep on the couch because it will mess it up and require steam cleaning before we could let anyone come visit.
use blanket on it like what I've been doing for past couple years. a sofa cover. and my brother still sleeps on the floor

I'm glad you find this even slightly funny. Now I know what you are really like.
I hear this kind of stuff all the times from your posts. I still dunno why you continue to put yourself in that kind of position.

Just saying that I would never proceed ahead on anything costly if financial situation is shaky. I know what the consequence is like and it made me extra cautious since then. I never trust people's word... only $$$. If I don't see $$$, anything out of their mouth - "coulda woulda shoulda" is worthless. That's the golden rule of fiscal responsibility. Learned a hard way.
No it wasn't. She just in a pissy mood since hubby went begging to her for some money for something. I was staying quiet. I know we can make the payments that the loan would be for, but she doesn't think we can. My ppor daughter has spent the last 2 years sleeping on the floor and now there is no relief in sight for her. Not allowed to sleep on the couch because it will mess it up and require steam cleaning before we could let anyone come visit.

I'm glad you find this even slightly funny. Now I know what you are really like.

I really hope she calms down about it. Things will work out in the end. :hug:
use blanket on it like what I've been doing for past couple years. a sofa cover. and my brother still sleeps on the floor

We have sheets and blankets on the couch and still she says no. If someone falls asleep there, she will wake them up and send them either to the floor or out of the living room. Daughter is developing back problems from the floor. Her allergies are worse due to the carpet on the floor.

I hear this kind of stuff all the times from your posts. I still dunno why you continue to put yourself in that kind of position.

I'm sorry you feel that way. And what position are you speaking of?

Just saying that I would never proceed ahead on anything costly if financial situation is shaky. I know what the consequence is like and it made me extra cautious since then. I never trust people's word... only $$$. If I don't see $$$, anything out of their mouth - "coulda woulda shoulda" is worthless. That's the golden rule of fiscal responsibility. Learned a hard way.
We would not be in this financial position if she had not requested that we move back here. Hubby was making better money in Missouri. Yes, the company he was working for has now closed 2 of it 3 plants in the area we were in, but there was more opportunity there. I have scrimped and saved and done quite well in the last 6 months or so, but hubby made a mistake that really messed up the checking account again. He admits it, and now we all have to suffer.
We would not be in this financial position if she had not requested that we move back here. Hubby was making better money in Missouri. Yes, the company he was working for has now closed 2 of it 3 plants in the area we were in, but there was more opportunity there. I have scrimped and saved and done quite well in the last 6 months or so, but hubby made a mistake that really messed up the checking account again. He admits it, and now we all have to suffer.

can't refund it?
I didn't see you wrote something inside the post till now.

We have sheets and blankets on the couch and still she says no. If someone falls asleep there, she will wake them up and send them either to the floor or out of the living room. Daughter is developing back problems from the floor. Her allergies are worse due to the carpet on the floor.
have you considered a cot?

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=cot&x=0&y=0]Amazon.com: cot[/ame]

I'm sorry you feel that way. And what position are you speaking of?
the "abusive" situation you're in.
Kristina, your MIL lives with you?

Since you don't know the situation, I will be glad to explain. My mother has been living with us since shortly after we married and I am her primary caretaker as she has a terminal illness. My MIL called us in Missouri and asked that we come back and help her as FIL was at death's door. Hubby is an only child. We packed up the 5 of us and all of our belongings and left Missouri. FIL died the day after we left and we got here the day after he died. We have been living with MIL since June 3rd 2009. The only job hubby could find pays him less than half of what he made in Missouri. Hubby has brain damage and is limited by the type of job he can do. HE was born with it due to MIL's negligence with medicines during pregnancy. Seems it was the phenobarbitol she is taking and has taken since her teenage years. Something like it anyway. She has always said that she will help us with getting a home to fit us. We need 4 bedrooms preferably, but would settle for 3. Renting is out due to the high cost down here. A 3 bedroom house will run about $2800 a month to rent, unless you want to get in a very bad area where even the police are not willing to go after dark, then a 3 bedroom will run $1500 a month.
Since you don't know the situation, I will be glad to explain. My mother has been living with us since shortly after we married and I am her primary caretaker as she has a terminal illness. My MIL called us in Missouri and asked that we come back and help her as FIL was at death's door. Hubby is an only child. We packed up the 5 of us and all of our belongings and left Missouri. FIL died the day after we left and we got here the day after he died. We have been living with MIL since June 3rd 2009. The only job hubby could find pays him less than half of what he made in Missouri. Hubby has brain damage and is limited by the type of job he can do. HE was born with it due to MIL's negligence with medicines during pregnancy. Seems it was the phenobarbitol she is taking and has taken since her teenage years. Something like it anyway. She has always said that she will help us with getting a home to fit us. We need 4 bedrooms preferably, but would settle for 3. Renting is out due to the high cost down here. A 3 bedroom house will run about $2800 a month to rent, unless you want to get in a very bad area where even the police are not willing to go after dark, then a 3 bedroom will run $1500 a month.

kinda unfair that all of you had to drop everything and move just for her. She should come to you since you already had things going on well.

what a mean person she is... and evil
I didn't see you wrote something inside the post till now.

have you considered a cot?

no room to put the cot and not many of them will be long enough. Daughter is 6'4".

Amazon.com: cot

the "abusive" situation you're in.
This "abusive" situation I am in is mostly emotional or mental abuse and yes, it does seem to pop up quite a bit and I am sorry. I will try not to keep bringing it up, it's just that sometimes I need to rant and I have nowhere else to rant.
This "abusive" situation I am in is mostly emotional or mental abuse and yes, it does seem to pop up quite a bit and I am sorry. I will try not to keep bringing it up, it's just that sometimes I need to rant and I have nowhere else to rant.

You can rant all you want and we'll be here to listen.
kinda unfair that all of you had to drop everything and move just for her. She should come to you since you already had things going on well.
Right, but that would never have happened. Her house is paid off and we still had a mortgage.
what a mean person she is... and evil
She is mean and vindictive and that's me being nice about it.
She is mean and vindictive and that's me being nice about it.

how was your her older? I wonder you think tried her problem situation serious

I am experience my family grandpa bit outrage I respect to my grandpa I am sometimes I was scared of course I don't care! I have hard figure out see!
no room to put the cot and not many of them will be long enough. Daughter is 6'4".
perfect. the cots I showed you earlier are 85" (about 7 feet). and yes there is a room to put the cot in... I mean - your daughter's sleeping on floor. when she's awake, simply fold up the cot and stash it somewhere.

This "abusive" situation I am in is mostly emotional or mental abuse and yes, it does seem to pop up quite a bit and I am sorry. I will try not to keep bringing it up, it's just that sometimes I need to rant and I have nowhere else to rant.
It's not the ranting part I have problem with. It's about you being in abusive situation. I'm thinking - just stuff her in nursery home and good riddance! Your whole family shouldn't be suffering just for her.