What did you learn today? Part II

No need to Adblock it, you can just disable ALL Siggies on AD from the User CP
I have disabled mine, so I don't have to deal with excessive siggies becuase I have to wait for them to load first.....:mad2:

Yep, I did that long time ago and forgotten about those till I read this today. :hmm:
No need to Adblock it, you can just disable ALL Siggies on AD from the User CP
I have disabled mine, so I don't have to deal with excessive siggies becuase I have to wait for them to load first.....:mad2:

don't want to. I would like to see other ADers' sigs. and I don't have Internet speed issue.
I'm betting Jiro's glad mine is just words - no images.
QUOTE=posts from hell;1821575]Someone I know shot someone in the chest.[/QUOTE] :shock:
Well - these sound-proof windows are being put onto a home that is built out of concrete blocks with rebar and filled with cement. We will have insulation and then drywall put up. In MIL's house, the home is constructed the same way, but she does not have the sound-proof windows. We do not hear the airplanes except hubby says it is a very muffled sound. Thunder, we do not hear, only feel or the windows might shake. Come to think of it, we have not had a good thunderstorm since we got the new windows on her house last year. The windows we are getting are newly designed for airport traffic areas.
Wirelessly posted

I learned something on facebook, sometimes "online" friends need to respect you with comments and not go overboard when they think their being funny when they are not. I didn't realize how embarrassing it can make someone look when maybe that friend or someone is on the friend list. FYI Be careful with comments
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It is very pretty I am very figure out new fan ! I have broken fan! I think so!
I learned that we will have to cut back on things since hubby is stressing over the new house. He has it in his head that we are not going to be able to get it. The contractor is trying hard to tell him to calm down. Seems that the cost for running the water lines and water meter is $3000 and then all the permits and fees for the Town Hall are running $5000 or so from start to finish. Somehow, I think hubby's got the figures for the permits and such wrong. I know about the water. This neighborhood started out as well water and 5 years ago, required all people to put in city water lines. MIL's cost her $4000 then.
I am pretty house hot seems heavy hot shines It is very terrible on seems on cat is tried I think so affect to warm he is seems tried always hide on cool!

I learn it!
I manager patient hard work, I am try best effort to quality change improve! I learn it effort to positive hard work effort! I best do it development to my own straight to best effort! I am pretty changelle positive and manage my cope patient and focus on my mind!
I learn that life is always not what it seems or people that we meet not always what they seems at the first meeting them.
I learned that a neighbor is planning on taking me to church with her next week as she found a deaf service and wants to see it for herself as well. She will also be planning on introducing me to a friend there that is willing to help me learn ASL.
I learned that my sad feelings for someone is only temporarily, after having to say "NO"...and not having to explain why....I also learned that I can and will be a force to reckon with when it comes down to any disruption or peace and quiet in my home...I've also learned....that good things come to those who wait and are patient, and deserving of them!....I also learned that there are people who think & assume that I was a "push-over"...but they got a rude awakening from me.
I learned that Youtube joined the online video rental bandwagon. I don't think it is worth the money.
Wirelessly posted

I learned parenthood is tough especially with preteens. I am looking forward to my cousin possibly staying w me for a week.
It is actually google who decided this - youTube is owned by google now.

Yeah, Redbox is only $1.50 (blu-ray) for 24 hours while it's $4 for 24 hours for Youtube online video rentals (720p). The same goes for Apple as well.