That I may, after all, become legal guardian of my daughter's friend. Her friend (16) moved in with us last fall in anticipation of her mother moving out of state (and the friend wanting to graduate from her HS). Well, mother hasn't moved except out of her house into her current boyfriend's house recently. I only know what I hear from my daughter and her friend, but things are definitely not stable as far as her mom goes. Found out today that her mom is giving up custody of both her daughter and her son. I think they said the son will go live with his grandfather. Now I'm waiting to hear what I need to do and when the court hearing is. Then I think I need to file for the child support payments to come to me rather than to the mom....who has only spent some of it on her daughter over the last 8 months. I will only use the child support money to pay for things directly for the girl and put the rest into "savings" and if there's any left when she's 18, I will give it to her. I'm doing basically the same thing with the Social Security money my daughter is getting each month (using it to pay for "her" car and car insurance).