What did you learn today? Part II

Yeah, Redbox is only $1.50 (blu-ray) for 24 hours while it's $4 for 24 hours for Youtube online video rentals (720p). The same goes for Apple as well.
It is called 'compeition'
I learned that Cheap is as cheap does. I had made some watermelon popsicles and we were going to have them today. When I went to serve them, the handle popped out of the popsicle and left the fruit and such in the mold. Then I remembered, the molds I had came from the dollar store and were totally worthless. Now, they are in the trash.
my client expert on how on fix on wow he smart on computer experiment!
I learned that not all birds laying in the street are hurt! I saw a bird in the street and it was not moving and I when stood right over it it still did not fly away! But when I tried to pick the bird up it flew away! I never saw a bird just lay in the middle of street before!!
I learn that life is always not what it seems or people that we meet not always what they seems at the first meeting them.

I am pretty not much I am personal I might to broken on gf, I know complication relationship!
I learned that a person from my friend's church in Dover actually owns the Subway shop here in town as well as the one in Dover. I was told by him that if I ever decided to move to Dover he would try to hook me up with work. :shock: Good thing I went to Subway I guess.
I learned that a person from my friend's church in Dover actually owns the Subway shop here in town as well as the one in Dover. I was told by him that if I ever decided to move to Dover he would try to hook me up with work. :shock: Good thing I went to Subway I guess.

I ate Subway tonight, learned they don't have the seafood sub anymore. I never did try it, someone recommended it. I ate Subway club with avocado.
Learned that I may be getting an ear infection as soon as I woke up. Wonderful! :(
I heard to GO cancuk right today pretty Boston :lol: enjoy fun!
That buffalo wings are just downright yummy. (I think I knew that, but I re-learn that every time I eat them! :lol: )
I learned recently that Jefferson Davis was a billionaire slave owner. I was total shocked. I mean,holy shit,yeah?WOW! I now see where J.D. Hogg got his name from. :lol:
I learned again and realized that I am still learning to to take to heart when I read some of these posts in other threads.
I learned that I will be flat broke by Monday. :( I may be looking into getting a second job more seriously with all of these expenses I am having.
I learned that I will be flat broke by Monday. :( I may be looking into getting a second job more seriously with all of these expenses I am having.

Sorry to hear that :(. hope things improve for you soon.
I learned that some strangers can be really kind and helpful.
I was good sleep lots of hard work :) I am very effort buidling strong positive I think so good mood and positive change future!
I change my health improve

I am focus on reading on anxiety book, counsellor is very wonerful team on my speicalist counsellor, he said said good wonderful supportive communication to mention my counsellor
I am attending support, I am proud of my counsellor is very nice person, he not cristism to, he can't wrong, he help me supportive wise positive, and encourage to me

He warned to me negative change focus positive, he is very right wise professional

He is smart! help communication 5/ DAYS 7 hours, contine, emergecy emotion and frustrated support to counsellor

he always email I am surrpised,

I told my counsellor i complaint to education , my boss is very will figure see
I right strong tell him counsellor respect to me I am fair to education English and Math education your skills worth wise I am right
I am try best fight to education and strong right to human report boss know!
Just learned that by end of 2014, every cinemas in my state will show captioned movies everyday. Yay!

Right now, only certain cinema will show captioned film three times a week.
Just learned that by end of 2014, every cinemas in my state will show captioned movies everyday. Yay!

Right now, only certain cinema will show captioned film three times a week.
My local hoyts screens captioned movies SIX times a week :mrgreen:

your captioned movies @ Jam Factory?