What did you do today?

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If I do, then she smacks me and tells me to leave her house, then my kids will start in on her as well. I leave her to hubby and she backs down and eventually apologizes. It was the same when FIL was still alive and healthy. He was always the one to get her to calm down and leave me alone.


I feel bad for your kids because I'm imagining how they feel about MIL treating you like this.
:( Kristina

DeafTim, hubby and I really enjoy raw honey, we use it on cereal, pancakes, stuff like that. Our favorite is raw buckwheat honey which we get from the farmer's market.
Parked my car a bit far away and rode my bike to work.
That's all.
I worked and went a Bible study with my pastor's wife and even got a certificate of Baptism and another book to read. That's what I call a good day. :)
:( Kristina

DeafTim, hubby and I really enjoy raw honey, we use it on cereal, pancakes, stuff like that. Our favorite is raw buckwheat honey which we get from the farmer's market.

What? I never thought of your style. Hmm, I'll use a little raw honey on my cereal.

Ha ha, I remember my deaf friend ate pancakes with honey by mistake, but she loves it better. I used to put honey in my tea and now use honey on spoon instead. DeafTim, you have to be careful not too much honey in your mouth because of slow swallow for first time. Don't worry and you will be fine...
If I do, then she smacks me and tells me to leave her house, then my kids will start in on her as well. I leave her to hubby and she backs down and eventually apologizes. It was the same when FIL was still alive and healthy. He was always the one to get her to calm down and leave me alone.

I'm looking forward to the day you post here and announce you just told your MIL that today is the day you're moving out for good.
I worked and went a Bible study with my pastor's wife and even got a certificate of Baptism and another book to read. That's what I call a good day. :)

Congrats on your certificate !!! :)
I am high on fever pretty serious cause on ruin on cookies!
If I do, then she smacks me and tells me to leave her house, then my kids will start in on her as well. I leave her to hubby and she backs down and eventually apologizes. It was the same when FIL was still alive and healthy. He was always the one to get her to calm down and leave me alone.

I know how you feel all too well. I wish there was a way you could move up here to Arkansas. :( I hate it for you that your stuck in that situation.

I don't like it when I get smacked around but I just grab my stuff and my DD and leave the house for a few hours. Other times I go out of town for a couple of days to a friend's house.

It sucks, it really does. I'm very much looking forward to moving out soon. I too look forward to the day that you will have told your MIL that you're moving out for good and never look back.

Hang in there, things have to get better - for the both of us. :hug:
Congrats on your certificate !!! :)

Thanks. It totally came as a surprise. I really wasn't expecting it. I don't know if I should have it framed or not. What do you think?
oh crap no way I don't want flu because something wrong problem I am tried low blood and weak!I found it no idea!
Thanks. It totally came as a surprise. I really wasn't expecting it. I don't know if I should have it framed or not. What do you think?

I would say yes !! Especially if it's something you're proud of! (If not, then stick it in a drawer.)
Yeah I'm proud of it. I was Baptised in front of my church and two of my closest friends. To me, the moment has meaning.
whew I am proud of on won I am very happy because I am glad of wonderful impressive successfuly wonderful I won my ex gf lose embrassment I am strong on my personal :)
My roommate's first movie came in from when I "sabotaged" his netflix account.

He is a blubbering mess :laugh2:

It even made me cry - A Dog's Tale
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