What did you do today?

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So far today - I have finished a good book, and cleaned and changed the litterbox. I still have to clean the bathroom and "I don wanna!!"
made hubby breakfast this morn. and lunch for tomorrow, let dogs out several times and played with them, washed dishes, changed bedsheets, two loads laundry, waiting for one to finish drying.
If you eat one spoon of honey every morning for a month or two, your allergy will be almost gone or completely gone for many months. It depends on the honey. You should eat raw honey from purchasing at a local shop. A local bee is where it pollutes on the flowers, and that meets your medicine (I don't remember the description). If you buy a regular honey (not raw) plus the label says out of state, it won't help you at all.

Very interesting....I'll look for raw honey soon. We have an amish store here and I'll go look. :ty:
made hubby breakfast this morn. and lunch for tomorrow, let dogs out several times and played with them, washed dishes, changed bedsheets, two loads laundry, waiting for one to finish drying.

way toooooooooo much work for me. :giggle: I like to do one thing a day. :)
Guess I will finally break down and clean the bathroom. MIL is getting pissy again. She is now of the opinion that if we do not vacuum daily, then the A/C will never work right. Also, since these issues with her back and hip, she can't climb over into her tub for her showers and uses our shower and is complaining that I haven't cleaned the bathroom. It's only been 3 days and we do pick up, wipe down and all, but she wants a deep clean every other day for her allergies and the fact that both hubby and son use it, she thinks they are both messy and "bathroom and boys" do not mix. She's full of *hit!!
Okay - bathroom is mostly done, but I managed to fall again and knock my head into the tile shower wall. Saw stars, but I am fine. Getting a headache, but nothing major so far. Still have the shower and the floor to do. Got the walls, toilet and sink done.
Just got home after driving friends a total of over 70 miles.

There, I feel better.
work... on the way to the Y for an hour, and do errand in the kitchen later. UGH! Can't wait for tomorrow that i ll be off from work. :)
Okay - bathroom is mostly done, but I managed to fall again and knock my head into the tile shower wall. Saw stars, but I am fine. Getting a headache, but nothing major so far. Still have the shower and the floor to do. Got the walls, toilet and sink done.

And I bet your MIL offered no sympathy and still expects you to get everything done today. :( :hug:
And I bet your MIL offered no sympathy and still expects you to get everything done today. :( :hug:

Well - hubby came home as she was ranting about it and he point out told her to STFU.
why don't you do same to her? STFU!

If I do, then she smacks me and tells me to leave her house, then my kids will start in on her as well. I leave her to hubby and she backs down and eventually apologizes. It was the same when FIL was still alive and healthy. He was always the one to get her to calm down and leave me alone.
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