What did you do today?

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I love cookies :lol:
I am interested to see your result in a month if you don't mind. It is not an experiment. okay.
Hey, I just realized that I just bought a 40 pill box of Claritin. Maybe after Im out and Ill buy raw honey.
:( Kristina

DeafTim, hubby and I really enjoy raw honey, we use it on cereal, pancakes, stuff like that. Our favorite is raw buckwheat honey which we get from the farmer's market.

Ahh, a lot of farmers markets here. Im sure I'll find raw honey very easy. :) Thanks for the info.
What? I never thought of your style. Hmm, I'll use a little raw honey on my cereal.

Ha ha, I remember my deaf friend ate pancakes with honey by mistake, but she loves it better. I used to put honey in my tea and now use honey on spoon instead. DeafTim, you have to be careful not too much honey in your mouth because of slow swallow for first time. Don't worry and you will be fine...

Alrighty! :cool2:
Went to Museum and saw Tutankhamun Exhibition.

Amazing how well some of artifacts held up after 3000 years.
I find out see observed it on theme I will update
I just found out a script I wrote overwrote 1 out of 10 config files on our network. Damn! Now I have to figure out how to write the script so it fixes my misstake. :(
So far today, I finished cleaning the bathroom, went to 2 libraries, and am now fixing lunch. After that, I will be making all kinds of notes of recipes for future meals from books at the library and also some magazines from the library.

MIL did apologize to me this morning as well. She forgets that I deal with so much pain and was also dealing with a lot for herself. She has an appointment coming up regarding her mood swings and now, she has a problem with a foot. It's always been badly twisted due to weight and arthritis, but now, it hurts to walk on it and she thinks it's broken. So, we have a Friday appointment for that and next Tuesday for the mood swings and such. She let me talk with her doctor this morning. He actually called my on my P3 and we did the call like a TTY.
Not very busy work today. I clean boxes from back room, clean trunk my car, make poster, help two customers (one very nice, try sign, other so rude...roll eyes at me then leave) and send notice to schools come get free bundles newspaper for crafts.
I am pretty complication I am very fresh patient I think so hope be patient!
Went to the eye doctor. Picked out a pair of glasses. It'll be interesting when they arrive! :)
I have just finished helping a neighbor with her computer. Her grandkids reset everything and she was lost. Got it all worked out for her and she is now a happy camper.
I am strong addiction pop I am shocked screw up!!! OMG!
I did a performance exam(interpreter) went very well just need to wait for the results:fingersx:
Today marks the 6th month of my remission. Instead of celebrating, I was honored to hold a friend's hand as she left Earth. She and I were diagnosed with the same kind of cancer. She was 38.
Today marks the 6th month of my remission. Instead of celebrating, I was honored to hold a friend's hand as she left Earth. She and I were diagnosed with the same kind of cancer. She was 38.

Congrats to you! I am so sorry for your friend. I'm glad you were there with her, it must've brought her some comfort, I'm sure.
What color? And metal or plastic?

Ditto. I didn't know you wear glasses.

Today I had day off. I brought kids to the hair saloon. Of course its for their school next week. Almost done with kids school supplies then done!

I didn't wear glasses before. This will be new for me. I couldn't make up my mind, so I actually got two pairs instead of one. One is black plastic, the other a bronze-ish metal. I really needed to get glasses, I put it off for too long.
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