What did you do today?

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Muddled around my room, practiced ASL with a friend for two hours, ate dinner, and explained to my sick niece why she can't have chocolate when she can't keep anything else down.
At the waterpark, my girlfriends and I played lesbain to torture the poor men nearby. God...we were awful! lol
I'm taking Align x3 per day for now and it seems work so good.

I went to DC today at noon and roam around Gallaudet University campus, they are very nice place but the area surrounding of GU isn't. DC and NoVA are VERY VERY crowded and traffic is really horrible, even on Sunday but cities in the south is died on Sunday. I went to walmart in NoVA and OMG, it was extreme crowded that I had been experience so other store like Target isn't bad, just bigger store than at walmart. It wasn't my first time to experience because it does very similar to LA and Chicago on crowded and traffic.

It seems like my foundation to southern culture start fade away and I'm really love DC metro so don't feel like want go back to AL for winter break and summer break.

lol you don't need to worry about traffic since you're not gonna drive in DC anyway. DC metro is indeed nice but too bad it's not 24/7 like NYC subway.
Dropped my best friend off today at the RID conference in Atlanta. Haven't seen him in ..... 7 years. :shock:
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I met with the owner of the dance studio, so much decisions to consider on the business aspect of zumba. They are charging rent to instructors $200 month for M-F on your hour. The second option time share, pay $100 you and your partner take half of the class to get your time in for an hour class M-F. Plus, we have to give portion of our money to the owner & partner could end up with nothing. I do need the experience, I am giving it A LOT of thought. Of course, not quitting my day job. Decisions, decisions!
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I met with the owner of the dance studio, so much decisions to consider on the business aspect of zumba. They are charging rent to instructors $200 month for M-F on your hour. The second option time share, pay $100 you and your partner take half of the class to get your time in for an hour class M-F. Plus, we have to give portion of our money to the owner & partner could end up with nothing. I do need the experience, I am giving it A LOT of thought. Of course, not quitting my day job. Decisions, decisions!

you live in California.... all-year around beautiful weather. why not do classes outdoor? :)

but IMO - I think you shouldn't do it. Baby step first. Get your feet wet first by being assistant/helper for experienced Zumba instructor for a while.
Ha. Boo hoo for me. I'll get over it. Just had my heart broken, but there's worse things in the world. Guess I'm acting like a girl on PMS times ten. Blah. Nothing a little chocolate can't fix.

Sorry to hear that.

I have an antidote for you: Shopping in 4 weeks time! :D Deal? ;)
Wirelessly posted

Jiro said:
Wirelessly posted

I met with the owner of the dance studio, so much decisions to consider on the business aspect of zumba. They are charging rent to instructors $200 month for M-F on your hour. The second option time share, pay $100 you and your partner take half of the class to get your time in for an hour class M-F. Plus, we have to give portion of our money to the owner & partner could end up with nothing. I do need the experience, I am giving it A LOT of thought. Of course, not quitting my day job. Decisions, decisions!

you live in California.... all-year around beautiful weather. why not do classes outdoor? :)

but IMO - I think you shouldn't do it. Baby step first. Get your feet wet first by being assistant/helper for experienced Zumba instructor for a while.

Jiro, you are right about getting my feet wet. The owner suggested I share my time due to lack of experience, I would have to pay 5100 to do so. This way, both of us will feel more confident to go solo. I like the "share time" idea for now, just to get the feel of teaching and interacting w the clients. I am meeting again with the owner.
Right, outdoor zumba class at the park sounds good lol
I'm taking Align x3 per day for now and it seems work so good.

I went to DC today at noon and roam around Gallaudet University campus, they are very nice place but the area surrounding of GU isn't. DC and NoVA are VERY VERY crowded and traffic is really horrible, even on Sunday but cities in the south is died on Sunday. I went to walmart in NoVA and OMG, it was extreme crowded that I had been experience so other store like Target isn't bad, just bigger store than at walmart. It wasn't my first time to experience because it does very similar to LA and Chicago on crowded and traffic.

It seems like my foundation to southern culture start fade away and I'm really love DC metro so don't feel like want go back to AL for winter break and summer break.

ah, I used to go to DC metro everyday for my work from Bethesda. I loved it. Only thing that I can't stand is in a public bus due very rattle metal-noise background inside the bus. Well, I was only white among with the African Americans in the bus. Everyone shared at me all the way home. Yike, nothing is happened... and very interesting. I used to look at a huge black or green military helicopter over Pentagon once a while on the highway, and I wondered myself who were the people inside the helicopter.
I'm taking Align x3 per day for now and it seems work so good.

I went to DC today at noon and roam around Gallaudet University campus, they are very nice place but the area surrounding of GU isn't. DC and NoVA are VERY VERY crowded and traffic is really horrible, even on Sunday but cities in the south is died on Sunday. I went to walmart in NoVA and OMG, it was extreme crowded that I had been experience so other store like Target isn't bad, just bigger store than at walmart. It wasn't my first time to experience because it does very similar to LA and Chicago on crowded and traffic.

It seems like my foundation to southern culture start fade away and I'm really love DC metro so don't feel like want go back to AL for winter break and summer break.

DC metro is my favorite too. I used to take a dc metro for my work for about 6 yrs before we moved to syracuse. I forget how to drivea car when I first arrived syracuse. LOL You still need to go back home for winter break and summer break anyway hehe. That is why my husband could not stand the traffic and crowded.. but the major reason is that we had to move to syracuse when we learned about the daycare costs and long distance from daycare to my work. FORGET IT! In syracuse, my fed building provided a daycare and cheaper than DC or MD. SO we are here. DC is my heart!
I roasted. The heat index is 109 and humidity is at an all-time high. We have been under a 5-day heat advisory because this is just AWFUL. Hurry up, Wednesday !! (When it's supposed to "break"). And I thank God every night as I lay myself down to sleep that I have central air.
At the waterpark, my girlfriends and I played lesbain to torture the poor men nearby. God...we were awful! lol

Tell us exactly what you and your friends did. I got all day to read posts. :)
I am surprised my sister's son broken well still havent had celina yet but its getting close my body is getting ready and im seeing my doctor on the 20th gonna see how my membraines are doing and see what i can do for about my cramps cause nothing helps well only 12 more days till my due date anyways =) and my poor boy riley has a broken collar bone =( serious in risk!
Tell us exactly what you and your friends did. I got all day to read posts. :)

Now you want them to heat it up?

I thought you told them to cool it :dunno:
I roasted. The heat index is 109 and humidity is at an all-time high. We have been under a 5-day heat advisory because this is just AWFUL. Hurry up, Wednesday !! (When it's supposed to "break"). And I thank God every night as I lay myself down to sleep that I have central air.

Heat index is 112 here right now.

Plus I feel really whiny as I have an ear infection!
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