What did you do today? Part II

I imaged a computer. well, more accurately I created a new image. This was to fix all the minor errors from the last image, update the software (all of them) and update the operating system. and as is often the case, I found another error after completing the image (this is why I test) so, I fixed it and am in the process of creating a new Image file (again). I spent the entire day in a room without windows. Yes, I get cranky after a day without sun.

And probably tomorrow the new image will finally be complete so I can test... again... :eek:
School with the kids, delivered the tie dyed shirts I made my audi, and staff, work, took son to get a haircut (Mohawk), got eyes exam, contacts, and glasses , swim team, next is dinner, work, and finally SLEEP!
I swear...looking at my childhood friends' pic of their teenaged kids on FB really does give me a sense of deja vu because their kids are the exact spitting image of them when they were that age. Brings me back to the 80s. I am sure when they look at pics of my kids, no sense of deja vu. LOL! Both of my kids look tooo much like their dads..dammet!
I took Marty for a walk and did not know there was a Veteran Day Parade . I stopped to watch it and when the the drummers started to play their drums
Marty stood up on his hind legs!! I wish I had a camera as it was the cutest thing to see! Marty stood on his hind legs for a few second , it looked like he was standing to honor the vets!! I am going ask for a camera for my birthday
in DEC.!
I bought groceries...(big deal since I haven't really been "out" for 7-8 days)....ran into an old friend that I haven't seen in 20 years or more....had to explain the oversized scarf I had to wear (ear surgery and a shaved left ear) and why I was in the motorized grocery cart....(HAHA)....Found out that my driving skills at the grocery store are still sharp as ever!...(I missed running over several people)....Had a few good laughs, tho'.
had that lovely yearly apt that girls have to have... at least the terp showed up (there was some question as to if they had actually called for one, had to remind them 2x)... got a call from my audi... begging me to fix his computer... got to him... and he had fixed it... but he gave me a box (40) of batteries for my HA's... that I only wear at work... so hopefully I won't have to buy batteries... ever again?
)....Found out that my driving skills at the grocery store are still sharp as ever!...(I missed running over several people)

Wouldn't that prove that your driving skills are off? You neglected to hit anyone? What an embarrassment... :laugh2:
Went out for a nice long lunch with my honey. All restaurants around here are honoring Veteran's Day. it was very nice. I even had a margarita!
I swear...looking at my childhood friends' pic of their teenaged kids on FB really does give me a sense of deja vu because their kids are the exact spitting image of them when they were that age. Brings me back to the 80s. I am sure when they look at pics of my kids, no sense of deja vu. LOL! Both of my kids look tooo much like their dads..dammet!

I'm told I look like my grandmother Smith.
I spent an absolutely beautiful day in Galveston at the maritime academy.
Worked today...really nothing exciting to tell except that I bought a new candle thing from a Scensty booth at my work and my house is smelling like Pumpkin. Love it already. :)
Worked today...really nothing exciting to tell except that I bought a new candle thing from a Scensty booth at my work and my house is smelling like Pumpkin. Love it already. :)

Wish I could say the same about the front porch. I was out of town this week and the pumpkins are still out there, and they sure as hell smell like pumpkins. :lol:
I bought groceries...(big deal since I haven't really been "out" for 7-8 days)....ran into an old friend that I haven't seen in 20 years or more....had to explain the oversized scarf I had to wear (ear surgery and a shaved left ear) and why I was in the motorized grocery cart....(HAHA)....Found out that my driving skills at the grocery store are still sharp as ever!...(I missed running over several people)....Had a few good laughs, tho'.

Did the prices of food freak you out! I when shopping too and the cost of food is horrible!
The packages are so tiny! Packages have shrunk over time.