got a really nice experience with Craigslist. I need new furniture for the guest bedroom so I was looking through the ads and saw an adorable black TV stand with built in DVD storage for only $30. I called the lady and turned out she owned an cosignment store. After work, went there and it was deep in Hartford County..about 40 mins north of Baltimore. Beautiful drive on a winding road with the sun setting and shining on the brilliant colors of Fall. Arrived and saw it was a cute little store with lots of neat neat stuff for CHEAP so I went in and it turned out the lady knew some sign language because she has a deaf friend. She reduced the price and gave me a hug. Then, she gave me 6 business cards of different antique and vintage stores in that town so I am excited! Who wants to join me for an all day window shopping one weekend? I want to go to that place again..nice people there!!! Thank you Craigslist!
Here is the pic of the store. The woman has a policy about taking pics of the interior due to copyrights.