What did you do today? Part II

So sorry, Botts. :(
I trimmed my hair, it looks healthier :)
My thoughts and prayers are with you Botts. :hug:

Sorry to hear about FIL, Botts. If it's his time - I hope it is peaceful and easy.
Wirelessly posted

Sitting on a picnic table in densely wooded part of my local park and it's after dark. I'm alone, too. That calls for a disaster but I needed to get away to think, be alone.

Are you ok? :hug:
Wirelessly posted

Sitting on a picnic table in densely wooded part of my local park and it's after dark. I'm alone, too. That calls for a disaster but I needed to get away to think, be alone.

you can be alone at any local park in here and not call it as "disaster"
dang Botts.. sorry to hear your father in law will be going soon.. hope he will find the peace he sought for ...
Went out with my friends, helped mom with her "store", studied and now I'm just relaxing.. gotta sleep soon... have an appointment in the morning
Tried to practice and play this goddam hard part to a piano piece I've been working at for over 1-2 years. I've finally made good progress to the final score (4) now, but the crescendo on the left is completely, nearly impossible for my level of skill.

I can *almost* hear the music in my head reading the sheets but yeah it looks difficult. On one hand you have a bunch of half and quarter notes you are stringing together over each measure then you have a bunch of 16th notes played on the other hand in sort of rapid mini scales.
Naisho, do you write your own music? If so, that's pretty awesome!
:h5: Hey! When did I pass the 'thousand posts' mark??? That just came and went and I didn't even celebrate? Ok, then, Friday night, everyone have a glass of wine!
:h5: Hey! When did I pass the 'thousand posts' mark??? That just came and went and I didn't even celebrate? Ok, then, Friday night, everyone have a glass of wine!

:hmm: Anxiously watching my mailbox for your monetary contribution.

It is on you, right? :P
Dixie, yeah this is out of my league. It took me a year to get here, now not sure how much longer it will take to master this part. Keep practicing just like ASL. :lol:

Naisho, do you write your own music? If so, that's pretty awesome!

Nope, no serious writing scores yet.. if I have a piece in my head I sort of do what Dixie did, just picture it in the head and play along, sort of like making a drumming rhythm..
:hmm: Anxiously watching my mailbox for your monetary contribution.

It is on you, right? :P

What? you didn't get your money? I sent the cash through the mail. those damn theiving postal workers... :giggle: How about this, when we meet up, remind me about this post and the first round is on me! :)
paid off some bills. stupid cable/internet costing me $100 a month.. *muttermuttermutter*