What did you do today? Part II

I've always wondered why mortgage lenders need to see the inside of your home?

Beat up walls and/or floors etc. can really affect the value.
Went shopping for a birthday present, ran into old friend (we coached together years ago), spent ALOT of time talking and just a little time shopping. I think she saved me from spending too much money haha.
I would say, the only major downfalls for MIL's house are: old carpeting, old kitchen cabinets, her bathroom is very dated and bad cabinet and no central A/C.
Busy day...

Jogged at the gym from 5am to 6AM
came home to get my son changed into his costume
went to a haunted house event all night
Now, just got home and so ready to crash since I got up at 4:45 AM.

Feeling good though. :)
Worked, went shopping at local home improvement store for a few things. Getting ready for work tomorrow, then it's HAUNTED HOUSE/HAYRIDE time !!!!!!!! Yeah, bring on the weekend !
saw a friend i used to go to school with, helped her prepare food for a party (too bad i'm not going :( ). went to the library to get a book for my class. worked on a 1,000 word essay. went out with the family.
Wirelessly posted

I went to San Diego, CA :)
Dressing up as a black cat for my work Halloween party. Hopefully it'll be fun.
I guess I have day off, since my co-worker didnt do his part.

I turned all my frequently visited website's link from blue to purple, now I dont know what to do.
Headed out to Tombstone and going to do some last minute touch up. The Haunted trail opens tonight. Muuwah ha ha ha haaaaa.
I saw this funny quote:

Marriage is like a deck of cards.

In the beginning all you need is 2 hearts and a diamond.

At the end, you wish you had a club and spade.

After a night of no sleep and getting up in a great deal of pain, I have now vacuumed as I cried in pain and deep cleaned the bathroom (think sloppy and messy male humans). I have taken some Tylenol 3 with codeine in the hopes it helps, but so far nothing. Want to lie down in bed, but MIL says not until after the guy is here to take these darn pictures. On a pain scale, 1 begin good and 10 being the worst, I am sitting at 11-12.
Bunches of paperwork, and I'm still not done. I'm delaying it by being on AD.:giggle:
After a night of no sleep and getting up in a great deal of pain, I have now vacuumed as I cried in pain and deep cleaned the bathroom (think sloppy and messy male humans). I have taken some Tylenol 3 with codeine in the hopes it helps, but so far nothing. Want to lie down in bed, but MIL says not until after the guy is here to take these darn pictures. On a pain scale, 1 begin good and 10 being the worst, I am sitting at 11-12.

There's no "unlike" button. I'm sorry to hear. :(
After a night of no sleep and getting up in a great deal of pain, I have now vacuumed as I cried in pain and deep cleaned the bathroom (think sloppy and messy male humans). I have taken some Tylenol 3 with codeine in the hopes it helps, but so far nothing. Want to lie down in bed, but MIL says not until after the guy is here to take these darn pictures. On a pain scale, 1 begin good and 10 being the worst, I am sitting at 11-12.

Man, I hope you get some relief soon! :hug:
Today, I'm stuck at a cheap motel in the backwoods of Alabama - it's one of those motels that always have visitors at night but the parking lot is empty in the wee hours of the morning .... ugh.

I'm stuck here because I needed to work on a class assignment which is re-creating the story of Gaulladet and Clerc (from the Learning to Signing Naturally books) by making a video of myself then uploading to youtube.

and now I'm reading a cheap romance novel waiting for boyfriend to finish work and come back to get me. I don't mind too much because his family is getting on my nerves a bit - it's nice to have some time to myself.