What did you do today? Part II

Same here....got the Cocktiel bird cage clean (it's huge)...and they make such a mess! Sprayed them down with a mist of water (which they love)...and they begged for more!...It's like a bath to them....Laundry is going...some clothes in the dryer (as always)...my son vacuumed his room and the hallway...he's got his bathroom to do, wich is always "last" :giggle:...as he hates it and says his brothers "make such a mess"!....(all the boys are beginning to sound like me!)...Fla./Ga. football comes on today...so we're trying to hurry these chores along.....

Both my washer and dryer are still running.:roll: My neice and her dad went to visit friends for the week-end, so I'm on my own as far as help goes!:lol: But, come to think of it, I can actually get it done more efficiently by myself.:giggle:

i'm supposed to keep studying- the exam is due tonight. but i'm taking a mental break by being on AD. procrastinating has been always something i'm good at.

You're not the only one. :P I'm a real pro here.
Well - MIL is no longer permitted by her doctors to vacuum, sweep, mop or clean her bathroom. She's not even allowed to change her sheets. (balance issues and weak bone structure). My son cleaned her bathroom, my mother did the sweeping and mopping today and daughter took over the vacuuming from me after I fell. Now, daughter has said she will take over the sweeping, mopping and dusting, son will do both bathrooms and I only have to supervise. Kids felt totally bad for me today and vowed to not let it happen again.

I think ti's great your kids are pitching in!
We had a picnic at the park, and now I'm relaxing and enjoying the gorgeous weather. We've been outside most of the day. :)
I worked and I have yet to really start my laundry. I guess I better if I want to wear something clean tomorrow! :lol:
So far, I have been sitting around. All the laundry is done until Monday or Tuesday (mother does that) and with all the cleaning we did for yesterday, it doesn't need to be done until mid week.

I have made a quick emergency run to Wally World (female issues, TMI), taken MIL to get her hair done and then through the drive thru at Wendy's for her to get a salad. Made the cole slaw for tomorrow's potlick lunch at church and made sure I had everything pulled out and thawed for dinner tonight. Also made sure I had what I need for my vegan sandwich for tomorrow's potluck lunch.
Got the bonfire going again. The guys seem all gung-ho on burning as much as we can :lol: We have TONS and TONS of it in our backyard. We're going to do a major clean-up and re-landscape next spring. I suppose they have a point. :lol:
Now, I held Sammy and showed him the birthday card the Vet's office sent him. I had their ages wrong. Tinkerbell was 5 earlier this year, not six and Sammy will be 4 on 11/3.
Botti, I just ordered some Dingo bones and I'm waiting on the shipment. My poochies are going to be so happy!
Botti, I just ordered some Dingo bones and I'm waiting on the shipment. My poochies are going to be so happy!

Yes they will! Our fat little ShihTzu stands on her back legs and dances, while waving her front feet when she sees a bag of Dingo bones.
Took part in a 10kWheaties race with my daughter, and friends. The race Run For Their Lives raised awareness, and support to stop human trafficking. It was great to see so many people take part :). We had an AWSOME time!
Made pizza dough, then while it was rising the whole family (3) went on a bike ride. Came home and made pizza! Checked AD 7 or 8 times.
Oh my gosh...Halloween and Tornado birthday party are almost all done! What a BUSY BUSY week it has been with all the events btw Halloween and my son's 6th bday.
Busy day...go nephew Halloween party this afternoon. Then cook roast dinner for Dallas brother, wife, kids. They come over, only break two things glass (improvement on usual damage). They just leave now, I will shower, get ready, go out Halloween party at bar. Friends happy, convenient have pregnant one (automatic dd!). Lucky me. And only throw up seven times today...getting better!
stayed home all day since this am. my daughter helped me wash dishes, played with ball, stickers in her sticker album book, watch tv... cleaned up the house a little.. will do lot more tomorrow. right now watching rush hour 3 and using laptop for lil bit before i hit the hay... im so tired!!
Went to Deaf church, stayed for potluck lunch. Also with this I picked up and took home a member of the church and her boyfriend. Got home and relaxed for a while. Hubby wanted to go to Lowes to look at appliances again for the new home, so we went, got caught in the flooding rains, so we came home. Didn't feel like cooking again, so hubby went to BK for burgers again.