What did you do today? Part II

Crunches will improve the muscle under the fat, but it won't do anything to get rid of a pouch. Lipo, weight loss, or acceptance are your options (i like the latter).

Not exactly true. A) Crunches burn calories which can reduce fat. B) Crunches can build muscle that repositions the fat to help achieve a better appearance.

But then crunches with a mix of aerobic anaerobic exercise with smart food choices is the best bet

As for overall health I would suggest weight loss over acceptance.
bought 3 pumpkins at Albertsons today... and they were nice sized too! Walmart's were kinda small and funny looking. I like degutting big pumpkins.
Crunches will improve the muscle under the fat, but it won't do anything to get rid of a pouch. Lipo, weight loss, or acceptance are your options (i like the latter).

I do too. It would nice to get rid of it but I'm ok with it.

Dixie, my preferred exercise is walking, but I don't do that as often as I could. I am trying to get out of the office in the morning & aftternoon for 10 min walks around the office complex.
Well since I've not done anything yet I'll post what I'll do. I'm going to my Audie tOday for an audiogram and see if I need HAs. I'm looking forward to seeing my audiogram.
If it turns out you do, ask your audi about VR connections. Meaning, I wonder if you would qualify for VR support, and if so, your audi and VR work to cover the cost of the HAs.
I have arrived to the audiologist earlier than expected. An hour and a half earlier. I was told there was construction on part of the way for about six miles so I left early. I'm just going to sit in my truck for now until a bit before I go in. If they are running late who cares I don't have to be anywhere until six this evening.
I have arrived to the audiologist earlier than expected. An hour and a half earlier. I was told there was construction on part of the way for about six miles so I left early. I'm just going to sit in my truck for now until a bit before I go in. If they are running late who cares I don't have to be anywhere until six this evening.

Did you get to stop for the Tyson application you wrote about earlier?
Did you get to stop for the Tyson application you wrote about earlier?

No, I was told there was construction so I left here early for that in case it was slow going. As expected though, they were running behind at the audies office. I didn't get out until 2:30. I got home about 20 minutes ago.
I am here in St. Louis helping a friend with his research paper on NCLB and its effects on the educational system. Uh oh, I grabbed the tiger by the tail this time! :giggle:
Got started on setting up a non profit organization for NYC area. Hopefully it'll be a success... The funding part is going to really suck...

I decided to just do it today. Follow my dream and change the world, one heart at a time.

And I hope I don't come off as crazy...
Had a busy day and the rest of the week is going to be just as bad.

Today: took hubby to get labwork done, then to the doctor. Got home, ate a fast lunch (mistake, got sick from it), took MIL to get her labwork done, her doctor, bank, post office, tag office, 2 more banks, then grocery shopping. Home, then off to the neighbor's to get some files cleared up, then out to dinner with the neighbor and the CODA from Deaf church (the terp), then got home at 10:30. After getting homer, MIL tells me that someone will be by on Friday at 3pm to take pictures of both inside and outside of house for this loan we are getting, so she expects me to drop everything to get all housework and more done tomorrow. Well, I already have plans that can't be broken, so my mother and daughter will work on the house and I will do some in the afternoon and on Friday morning. Tomorrow, I will be doing work with the Prison Ministry getting all their mailings done again. They are doing a double mailing for the holidays. That means I, along with 6 other ladies, will be folding and stuffing envelopes for 10,000 letters.
^^^Yikes! Your day makes me tired just reading about it!
Sadly, that's normal for Kristina. Somehow she manages it. I would go nuts and probably tell my MIL if it concerns her that badly to either do it herself or hire a housekeeping company to come do it.
Sadly, that's normal for Kristina. Somehow she manages it. I would go nuts and probably tell my MIL if it concerns her that badly to either do it herself or hire a housekeeping company to come do it.

Well - I have slacked off just a tad from the house work lately. Only vacuuming twice a week instead of the 4 times a week.

At least we did get the news that all paperwork is completed for the loan. These pictures are for the adjuster since MIL's house is being used a collateral and it's a $100,000 loan. I understand her point, and she was only given this news about the pictures late this afternoon after I left to help the neighbor. I am cleaning my bathroom tonight, but hubby will hate it. He is asleep now. Actually, everyone is except daughter and me. I know I can get it all done, but I worry about my leg giving out. I will wrap it in ace bandages to keep the kneecap in place while doing this, but then have to have the Tylenol with Codeine to sleep afterwards.
Today was an extremely busy day! Did a lot of school work, ran around like a maniac trying to get everything done. Soooo tired and I'm about to drop dead. Now I know how KristinaB feels lol.
Well - all 10,000 letters are done, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living picked up. Kitchen mopped. Dusting completed. Windows washed. Last of decorations put up. Cats got a bath. (boy was that a doozy!!) I still have to finish the bathroom tonight. Tomorrow morning I will do all thew vacuuming and do a final wipe-down of the kitchen after lunch. MIL worried for nothing.

We did get the news today that the appraiser did a tour of the neighborhood and surrounding area and all was approved, and now we know the loan money is ours. The pictures are just to make the mortgage lender happy. Outside oictures are done.
I've always wondered why mortgage lenders need to see the inside of your home?