Had a busy day and the rest of the week is going to be just as bad.
Today: took hubby to get labwork done, then to the doctor. Got home, ate a fast lunch (mistake, got sick from it), took MIL to get her labwork done, her doctor, bank, post office, tag office, 2 more banks, then grocery shopping. Home, then off to the neighbor's to get some files cleared up, then out to dinner with the neighbor and the CODA from Deaf church (the terp), then got home at 10:30. After getting homer, MIL tells me that someone will be by on Friday at 3pm to take pictures of both inside and outside of house for this loan we are getting, so she expects me to drop everything to get all housework and more done tomorrow. Well, I already have plans that can't be broken, so my mother and daughter will work on the house and I will do some in the afternoon and on Friday morning. Tomorrow, I will be doing work with the Prison Ministry getting all their mailings done again. They are doing a double mailing for the holidays. That means I, along with 6 other ladies, will be folding and stuffing envelopes for 10,000 letters.