What are you thinking about? Part VIII

Interesting. I have enough trouble riding on a bike on the highway without thinking about zipping between lanes. We go on country roads where it's more scenic. But I have to drink first to ease my nerves lol

On another forum we had a thread that really got confusing because some were using "bike" to mean a motorcycle and some were using "bike" to refer to a bicycle. I think we need to keep that in mind.

Back to the issue of zipping between lanes of cars where I can somewhat understand it is traffic is stopped and the one on the motorcycle can get between them easily.
I understand. Here (where I live) we call them bikes but yes, I did mean motorcycle.
My city would have to take a lot houses by Eminent domain to made our streets wider. There was talk of doing this at my condo when someone wanted to build a dated community behind my condo . Our highways are being made wider here too keep up the demand of traffic.
They are actually able to use the space between the North and South lanes, so they aren't going into the right shoulder much in either direction. Much more of a sprawl situation here.

I'm renting a house with about a 200 acre farm behind me and the owner and family have maybe 6 houses at the top of the hill. The county used eminent domain to strong arm a pretty hefty land sale of 10-20 acres across the street for a public school and public baseball fields, plus land rights to run some drainage through the main pasture since there isn't any city water. They had to build a small water treatment facility as well. It's still pretty calm, though. A few more developments have been selling again, so traffic is increasing. And Lowe's corporate headquarters is nearby. Now that their father died, I think they are looking to sell both his farms for development. I'll probably move when my lease is up to avoid that mess.
We have NO passing lanes right in the city . We have people that ride their bikes in the bike lane and cars are not allowed in the bike lane. I live in a very small city . The only time people pass a car is when they're waiting to made a turn and there is no traffic lights. People will pass the car on the right and police do this too unless there are responding to an ER. Then they'll pass other cars.
My city would have to take a lot houses by Eminent domain to made our streets wider. There was talk of doing this at my condo when someone wanted to build a dated community behind my condo . Our highways are being made wider here too keep up the demand of traffic.
View of the I85 from office with a dump truck!View media item 13
How beautiful eagles are ! What amazing birds they're . I been enjoy watching them and now they're about to leave the nest for good. This was better than TV!
Fourth of July weekend :party::party:
What are your plans for the holiday ? My city doesn't have fireworks on the fourth , they have them on Yankee Home Coming week. One year they had fake fireworks
and it was a huge flop ! I didn't brother to go see them.
What are your plans for the holiday ? My city doesn't have fireworks on the fourth , they have them on Yankee Home Coming week. One year they had fake fireworks
and it was a huge flop ! I didn't brother to go see them.

Fireworks are prohibited in my city. I am thinking of doing a beach trip late afternoon thing. I know it's going to be crowded and crazy lol will see how it pans out. I can always BBQ at my mom's place and watch fireworks from her place lol
Prohibited is only a recommendation. What I'd suggest is light them with a long fuse and then run! It's the 4th for Pete's sake. :afro:
Prohibited is only a recommendation. What I'd suggest is light them with a long fuse and then run! It's the 4th for Pete's sake. :afro:
People been lighting fireworks since last night :D
People always start early. I imagine I will start hearing them this weekend. Fireworks are legal here in mn.
@ Rio Can you bring your dog to the beach too? I use to go the beach a lot with Finlay and people were able to park for free.
@ Woody, Wrong the newspapers been printing notices that it's against law to use fireworks in MA. People have to drive to NH to buy
them. I bet they buy a lot and smell them in MA. illegally .