What are you thinking about? Part IV

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I am lots of spending rest better! I am pretty tough! lots of issues! yesterday I can't sleep, I final sleep almost 8 hours! short! sound!
Here is hopefully a little more helpful answer. You can take steps to conquer it.

Pain and depression: Is there a link? - MayoClinic.com

Well, currently I am not having to deal with depression. I have been mostly depression free for a few years now. Just anxiety issues here and there, but I know there is an end in sight. My pain is all fibromyalgia related and the pain meds are not helping. Will be talking with the doc again this week.
Who has ADD? :D *throws a big pad of paper and a box full of colorful markers on the table*
Well, currently I am not having to deal with depression. I have been mostly depression free for a few years now. Just anxiety issues here and there, but I know there is an end in sight. My pain is all fibromyalgia related and the pain meds are not helping. Will be talking with the doc again this week.

Depression medication is noted for helping fibromyalgia also.

You seem very depressed when you talk about thinking your mother should just be let go if her leg doesn't heal. Also extreme irritation with, and dreaming of your mother in law dying and leaving you two houses.

The urge to pack up and go back to Missouri and then changing your mind back and forth.

All these things plus many more are signs of severe depression.

There is nothing wrong with being depressed, but it can leave lasting scars on your family.
Depression medication is noted for helping fibromyalgia also.

You seem very depressed when you talk about thinking your mother should just be let go if her leg doesn't heal. Also extreme irritation with, and dreaming of your mother in law dying and leaving you two houses.

The urge to pack up and go back to Missouri and then changing your mind back and forth.

All these things plus many more are signs of severe depression.

There is nothing wrong with being depressed, but it can leave lasting scars on your family.

I am not really depressed with my mother's wishes or my MIL's wishes. In a lot of ways, it will be easier for me. The urge to move back to Missouri was purely due to hubby wanting a better job and better pay, but luckily we did not go, as the job he was going back to, they are now shutting down all 3 plants in that area due to lost contracts.

I know there's nothing wrong with being depressed and I had a long battle with it previously. Luckily, I do not feel anything like I did before. All the doctors I have seen, including the MSW therapist I chat with over Skype weekly say I do not show signs of depression. I have Situational Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and severe OCD along with my neuropathy, chronic fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome and hearing loss as well as slowly worsening vision loss. For the most part these days, I feel really well and good. I am learning to accept what life has handed me and trying very hard to move on. I get road-blocks here and there, but I am learning to break them down or move around them.
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KristinaB said:
Depression medication is noted for helping fibromyalgia also.

You seem very depressed when you talk about thinking your mother should just be let go if her leg doesn't heal. Also extreme irritation with, and dreaming of your mother in law dying and leaving you two houses.

The urge to pack up and go back to Missouri and then changing your mind back and forth.

All these things plus many more are signs of severe depression.

There is nothing wrong with being depressed, but it can leave lasting scars on your family.

I am not really depressed with my mother's wishes or my MIL's wishes. In a lot of ways, it will be easier for me. The urge to move back to Missouri was purely due to hubby wanting a better job and better pay, but luckily we did not go, as the job he was going back to, they are now shutting down all 3 plants in that area due to lost contracts.

I know there's nothing wrong with being depressed and I had a long battle with it previously. Luckily, I do not feel anything like I did before. All the doctors I have seen, including the MSW therapist I chat with over Skype weekly say I do not show signs of depression. I have Situational Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and severe OCD along with my neuropathy, chronic fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome and hearing loss as well as slowly worsening vision loss. For the most part these days, I feel really well and good. I am learning to accept what life has handed me and trying very hard to move on. I get road-blocks here and there, but I am learning to break them down or move around them.

Curious, the meeting on skype w the therapist is the cost less or no charge fee for the session? Must be something new, technology saves gas traveling to one.
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Curious, the meeting on skype w the therapist is the cost less or no charge fee for the session? Must be something new, technology saves gas traveling to one.

Well - she does not charge me for services since I used to work for the same place and she is in Missouri. That would be one heck of a drive. She is required to work a certain number of hours doing clinical work to maintain her licensing. She is actually in charge of Quality for the company. I am one of 5 clients she sees.
Stress has been a very big factor for me these past few days. 3 people have asked to "stay with me for awhile because they've no place to go".....and they are family members....inasmuch, over the years, I've opened up my home to them for awhile, but no longer will I do that (after having to ask them after 2 months) that they needed to find some place else to live!....They are adults, and I realize things do happen to people, but I'm in no position to care for 3 adults, when I have my own sons to look after....
Well - she does not charge me for services since I used to work for the same place and she is in Missouri. That would be one heck of a drive. She is required to work a certain number of hours doing clinical work to maintain her licensing. She is actually in charge of Quality for the company. I am one of 5 clients she sees.

Cool, glad she can help you with skype meetings :)
Stress has been a very big factor for me these past few days. 3 people have asked to "stay with me for awhile because they've no place to go".....and they are family members....inasmuch, over the years, I've opened up my home to them for awhile, but no longer will I do that (after having to ask them after 2 months) that they needed to find some place else to live!....They are adults, and I realize things do happen to people, but I'm in no position to care for 3 adults, when I have my own sons to look after....

My brother has already asked if he could come stay with us after the construction is done. I told him there really would not be any room. My biggest issue with him is he is a drinker and we don't allow alcohol in the house. Also, he is a heavy smoker and daughter is allergic to cigarette smoke. He had been five years off alcohol, but his latest job loss hit him hard. He and his wife are separated, but living together in the same apartment.
Could you make him smoke outside, or drink outside (if he has to do either?)
Could you make him smoke outside, or drink outside (if he has to do either?)

I could, but he and hubby don't get along at all. Brother is a big "moocher" and I have a feeling we would be supporting him as long as he was here. My older brother in MO has more room and could help him find a job easier. I have too much with mother and MIL.
That is a lot to take on! I admire all that you do.
I am glad of my grandma phoned to my caregiving, I know I plan go to sleep over on June 19th family relative my uncle!< I have exciting see on my grandma & grandpa I think so good idea deal I agree to my grandparents proud! I hope be enjoy peace summer enjoy!
awesome my family I can't wait for my uncle for community picin supper again!

I support to my grandparents effort buiding! I communication!

coming soon I will go to there fun enjoy I will show you picture :) you want to see me mind
picture posts :)
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