What are you thinking about? Part IV

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Wirelessly posted

I am thinking my last week of work before vacation yippie!!
What I am thinking about

Smiling, today I am thinking about my mom, I miss her. She was my best friend, but she had to leave me because of severe COPD just 3 years ago.
I am also thinking about my future, yeah. I know my path, always have. but
recently I came to a place where I had to choose which path to continue on. A Y in my path, a decision. Unable to see what lay ahead I was confused for a moment. laughing, but I am one of those ppl who depend on my intuition and just go..and so I did. I am now walking the path I chose, happy and
assured where ever it leads me, I will be fine..smile. I have already met someone on this path that has touched me in a profound way. I am happy I met him but he walks his own path, that is just a arms length from mine. We talk about all kinds of things as we go along. Both of us have stories to tell, and projects we are working on, but it seems we always find time for each other, just to talk. I guess that is a good sign..smile. I try to run ahead to see if our paths, at any point cross. Unfortunately, my vision was clouded, with my own pain, and the reality that I will never know what is to be until it happens. I waited for him and he caught up, delayed by some things that
blocked his path, so he needed to move those things, so he could continue.
I was happy to see him, knowing he had cleared away those things on his own and was now once agan on his path just an arms length away. I think perhaps there will be a place ahead, in time, that we will stand face to face.
I am not sure what wil happen, but I am an adventurer, so we will see. Who knows, perhaps my journey, long and alone, will lead me to a place where a friend becomes a lover ( that would be fun) and he joins me on my path.
My only problem is, and there is always 1 at least, laughing...can I open myself up to him, with out fear, without lies and with a pure heart, knowing that I am very different from most ppl I am sure he has met. Allowing him too share my path, my life, is something that I would like but also something that opens me to the possibility of being hurt emotionally. I coud not survive that...and so..I am asking my MOM thru my prayers and meditations to grant me the courage, knowledge and trust in myself to make the right decision when the time comes for decision making..laughing...for now I am walking and singing and happy, all is well at this moment and I feel my MOM all around me. I shall just let it be... Thanks MOM !!...Midnight♥♥♥
Thinking about the ex and why she has to make things sticky and more complicated than they need to be. The world does not revolve around her.
is thinking how much I hate myself for bending over and let'em have it :(

just caved in to landlord's term. I was demanding that we pay 50-50 for one-month commission fee for my agent but he won't budge. that stubborn old bastard... oh well - at least it's a sweetest place around here and its price is really a steal. I was amazed. :cool2:
Thinking about the ex and why she has to make things sticky and more complicated than they need to be. The world does not revolve around her.

Hear hear. Going through the same thing, kinda.
Thinking about the ex and why she has to make things sticky and more complicated than they need to be. The world does not revolve around her.

there's a reason why she's called an "ex". Why make your life more complicated with her around?

I'm still friends with all my exes but there's no gray area between us. Snip Snip!
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking how someone doesn't reply to me. I don't like feeling negative. Unless, they don't want to be friend anymore.
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there's a reason why she's called an "ex". Why make your life more complicated with her around?

I'm still friends with all my exes but there's no gray area between us. Snip Snip!
Uh, how many exes you got? :hmm:

I tried that route (friends with ex), but I was not comfortable with the triangulation that was going on. There are a lot of variables to deal with. I can see it working for some people some of the time, but this isn't one of those times for me.
Thinking about going on a little vacation somewhere... Got any cheap all inclusive vacation packages for me? I've been looking at cruises and few nights in Caribbean, maybe.
Uh, how many exes you got? :hmm:

I tried that route (friends with ex), but I was not comfortable with the triangulation that was going on. There are a lot of variables to deal with. I can see it working for some people some of the time, but this isn't one of those times for me.


triangulation? what's that in this context?

triangulation? what's that in this context?
A couple is two people and these two are their main emotional support for each other. But it can get complicated when there is an ex in the picture, especially if the ex was a long-time partner. Perhaps the current SO does not support her in some ways that I did, so she reaches out to me for that support. Ergo--it can get sticky. It is not good for her and her SO, and it's not good for me and my SO.
A couple is two people and these two are their main emotional support for each other. But it can get complicated when there is an ex in the picture, especially if the ex was a long-time partner. Perhaps the current SO does not support her in some ways that I did, so she reaches out to me for that support. Ergo--it can get sticky. It is not good for her and her SO, and it's not good for me and my SO.

aaahhhh :ty: for explanation. Obviously - my answer is... simple - snip it off. no more gray area. Put it behind and keep it in past. move on with your SO.

but....... oh well.... it's what I do and it works fine for me so it's really up to you to take my coldhearted-like route or not... :) I believe it's necessary for both parties in order to move on with their life.
I am figure out pretty tired! sound I am pretty tired 8 hours I can't sleep yesterday I was nap! long!
Thinking I may start dinner early. We have 2 DVD's to watch, 1 tonight and the other tomorrow night before returning to the library. It is the last 2 disks for Stargate SG-1 season 10.
aaahhhh :ty: for explanation. Obviously - my answer is... simple - snip it off. no more gray area. Put it behind and keep it in past. move on with your SO.

but....... oh well.... it's what I do and it works fine for me so it's really up to you to take my coldhearted-like route or not... :) I believe it's necessary for both parties in order to move on with their life.
Yes, I did snip it off, and was polite. I tried to explain the Big Picture, but she didn't want to hear it and lashed out. Took some low shots. I didn't respond to that. It's no fun and there is no "right time" to do this. But it was still necessary.
been thinking about how good time I had over the weekend visiting my kids in Rochester NY
Thinking that it was cool to see two workers at McDonald's who knew ASL and I could communicate with them.
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