What are you thinking about? Part IV

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Wirelessly posted

I am going to see my neice soon it's her birthday! Then off to kickboxing one on one training :D
I am cocern about to pretty sound interesting I am pretty sound I am assurance, crazy I said enough I afraid pick up me I am tried I am numberous I am figure out don't know I am not sure, someone seems shovelling me I am headache pissed off!
I'm thinking I hate that I have to keep checking my email for these mortgage papers. We finally got confirmation today. We were approved. Actually, MIL was approved for a 2nd mortgage that will pay for the construction. It will take approximately 2 months for all to be completed and we can start construction. I don't understand it all, but it involves MIL having to pay off an outstanding loan from getting her windows replaced, then she has to take money from a CD, then we can go on from there. At least the surveyor is finally finished with the new requirements and we are picking up those papers tomorrow. Contractor will come out Monday of next week to chalk out the floor plan in the garage. We have maybe 3 more trips to get all of MIL's Christmas stuff out.
Thinking about how the weather took a turn for the worse all of sudden.
Wirelessly posted

In less than an hour will be doing kickboxing training. Oh about lastnights dream :D
Am thinking about all the company I've had today...and will have all weekend...lots of cooking and pots of coffee here....weather is breezy and cool on the river, all sitting outside enjoying it...so I kinda' "snuck in here at AD" to see what's going on....going back out there in a few minutes....we're hoping to catch more shrimp and crabs tonight for a steak, crab, shrimp dinner tomorrow evening...just bought some Tikki Torches.
Wondering when my new laptop will arrive. Kids aren't very good about sharing. lol
Thinking about how the weather took a turn for the worse all of sudden.

yea that's why I rushed home. Got lucky this time! Once I entered parking garage, it started pouring. whew!
Thanks. Belated birthday present.
thinking how busy things will get in the next few days. I hope I will have the stamina for all the activities!
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