What are you thinking about? Part IV

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I am wonder I am pretty sound difficult to counsellor help better improve community! I do it best effort tomorrow
10,000th post!

I would like to thank My parents, my daughter my English teachers....especially 11th grade :shock: my dog (why doesn't everyone thank their best friend) My trolls who keep me busy, Megan Fox, Emily from Chevron who taught me to say "We agree" Manny Moe and Jack, Tom from My Space just for being a friend. Rachel Roxxx, My fan club, the lurkers, Matajan,Sarah Palin,The Chick-fil-a cows,and Donald Trump. And a special thanks to obama.....I would be at 4,000 without you. I would also like to thank CI's,guns,gays,the military,food,books and absolutely nothing. And to all my friends :wave:

Awww....how nice.
10,000th post!

I would like to thank My parents, my daughter my English teachers....especially 11th grade :shock: my dog (why doesn't everyone thank their best friend) My trolls who keep me busy, Megan Fox, Emily from Chevron who taught me to say "We agree" Manny Moe and Jack, Tom from My Space just for being a friend. Rachel Roxxx, My fan club, the lurkers, Matajan,Sarah Palin,The Chick-fil-a cows,and Donald Trump. And a special thanks to obama.....I would be at 4,000 without you. I would also like to thank CI's,guns,gays,the military,food,books and absolutely nothing. And to all my friends :wave:


Awesome!! congratulations!!
10,000th post!

I would like to thank My parents, my daughter my English teachers....especially 11th grade :shock: my dog (why doesn't everyone thank their best friend) My trolls who keep me busy, Megan Fox, Emily from Chevron who taught me to say "We agree" Manny Moe and Jack, Tom from My Space just for being a friend. Rachel Roxxx, My fan club, the lurkers, Matajan,Sarah Palin,The Chick-fil-a cows,and Donald Trump. And a special thanks to obama.....I would be at 4,000 without you. I would also like to thank CI's,guns,gays,the military,food,books and absolutely nothing. And to all my friends :wave:

Thinking about my mom and my daughter's visit from AZ this Friday...cant wait to see them even though I just saw them 2 weeks ago...lol
I suspect not work medication issues problem solve I find out wish be adjust to improve medication better strong!
Thinking about my mom and my daughter's visit from AZ this Friday...cant wait to see them even though I just saw them 2 weeks ago...lol

Great that you are getting to spend so much time as 3 generations of women in the same family.
Great that you are getting to spend so much time as 3 generations of women in the same family.

Yea, but I still have to work next week! GRRRRR! Tmw was supposed to be my last day of work for the school year. Geez! Stupid snow days!
I am thinking its my little precious youngest niece birthday! She turns 12 today:birthday::ily:
Packing for the weekend.....what to take???
New York.... :wave:

oh welcome!

yep - the NYC greeting :lol:
I am thinking about changing my weekend plan cuz someone who recently returned home from Nepal, wants to see me soon.
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