What are you thinking about? Part IV

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Yes - the floor is cement. Remember, it's the garage that held 5 boats. We were told that the granite is the most expensive and to not get it.

Due to the windows and other code requirements since the hurricanes, the house is now going to cost somewhere around $90,000-$96,000.

Have you considered staining the floors rather than flooring. It's very popular now.

Granite tops are very expensive.....but granite tiles are not always. I can find granite tiles at surplus stores for about $1-1.50 each. I used to build them all the time.

Another option is concrete counter tops. Those are really popular now and can be done cheaply. Cool look too.
I'm thinking: " You really have a heart. More than anyone else I know. It's your ability to love, it's really beautiful. " Thank you, Joshua, for those kind words <3
thinking how much fun I have enjoyed Melbourne, but I wished I'd stay a bit longer however I'm back in reality of Canberra. :|
So far, i'm thinking about my finals..it's next week for 3 days :/ my hardest classes are Chemistry and math. And i want to pass both of them!
Right now, I am thinking that there are a lot of people who have been here on AD for a long time, but for some reason, their avatars are not showing. Could it be because of the hiccup Alex had with the servers a while back? :hmm:
I use a women's electric razor for my legs. Of course, you still need to reach the legs, but at least you wouldn't end up with nicks.

I've never had my legs waxed, but aren't there "spas" that do that?

Yes. I just had my usual beginning-of-summer spa appointment for hair cut, legs waxed, pedicure. I love it. Summer is now officially begun.
I am thinking about what I hope to see in the mail sometime this week. I'm quite anxious.
Yes. I just had my usual beginning-of-summer spa appointment for hair cut, legs waxed, pedicure. I love it. Summer is now officially begun.
Uh, then why do we have rain forecast for every day until June 4? Can I give your number to the weather people? :)
Wirelessly posted

Loghead said:
Thinking about the fact that I kept thinking today was Monday! :confused:

Funny, in the USA it was a holiday for us and some people thought today was Monday. You must be in USA mode jkjk
Wirelessly posted

Funny, in the USA it was a holiday for us and some people thought today was Monday. You must be in USA mode jkjk

I had a long weekend as well, but I had Friday off. That's weird, though! :confused:
Wirelessly posted

Loghead said:
Wirelessly posted

Funny, in the USA it was a holiday for us and some people thought today was Monday. You must be in USA mode jkjk

I had a long weekend as well, but I had Friday off. That's weird, though! :confused:

Yes, it is weird. I am sure you will get back on track soon lol
Wirelessly posted

I am thinking about doing Zumba soon whoohoo put my new songs to good use :giggle:
Crap. I'm stuck outside sitting on the bench watching my girls playing softball game. Glad some parents brought popciles for the girls. Its 92 degrees outside. Glad its around 50 perfect of humdity. Not too bad but wish it d be heavy windy. Sun is still strong. I got all sunburned from last weekend. So I put so much sun block lotions on mine today. Hurrrrrry for the game to be over. I'm thirsy. The tiny booth selling drinks is closed. I don't feel like walking all the way down to buy one while my girls on the play field. My hub got a major headache today so he couldn't make it to come and my boy wanted to stay home. Hey my girl has a wonderful sport doing her best to play the game. ^_^
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