USA is the second worst place to raise kids

what if parents raise kids in wrong way and turn out that kids accident become famous? Look at many listing that people live here are most famous. eh eh?

Depend on the kids' self-esteem... They know they don't want to follow their family's role and willing to motivate their future. I'm one of them who dont follow my parent's role.
I'm new to this board so hello all. I saw this thread and had to say something. I was raised the old fashioned way. You know, two parents, 4 siblings, mom at home, dad at work. I went to college and did everything the right way. I never stop thanking my parents for the good job they did.

When I had my daughter her father left without a trace. I wasn't married, but was in my 30s so wasn't a child parent or anything. Because I loved her so much my daughter always came first. I quit my "career" job and started a small daycare. I then went back to my old job of caring for elderly in their homes and I took her with me. I wanted to be the stay at home mother, even if there was no father. I wasn't strict but I was firm. I homeschooled her but she never had a test or a class. She read and learned what she wanted. She puts my puny knowledge to shame. Because we are in a university city she had the chance to know all nationalities. Taking care of people in their homes, she never even notices wheelchairs or walkers or people who lean a little or speak unusually. I remember as a small child she listened to a friend of mine comment on a miss usa contest saying so and so shouldn't have won..she was so ugly. She told me later that no one is ugly. This was when she was 3. We didn't have much money but when we were hungry we had imaginary buffets where we ate whatever we wanted. Just like in "The Little Princess". We made due and took care of each other. I look at her and I wonder how in the hell she turned out so well. Maybe if I had more money and kept my career, things would have turned out differently. But this she will always know. I loved and love her more than life itself. And that I think was the most important thing I could have ever given her.