Heath said:
First of all Banjo, why are the liberals trying to support an evil man who does not want to TRULY REPENT AND TRULY FACE THE VICTIMS OF THE FAMILIES AND SAY I AM SORRY TO THEIR FACES?
Nobody's saying the victims of the families shouldn't be comforted and be the witnesses to justice being served. The justice to them was served by having the man put into the prison for his crimes. However, putting the person to death isn't justice being served. It's revenge, nothing more and it rarely satisfies the victims to see the murderers put to death.
Second, the more the liberals get into all quarters of American society , life and moral values ... the more corrupted you will see of liberals. The liberals support abortion, My God !!!!

Liberals support Homosexuality
Many liberals doesn't support abortions while many support abortions. They are fairly split on that topic. Personally, I don't support abortions unless it's absolutely necessary in dangerous situations such as the parent being in peril of dying from a medical condition related to the fetus, which is rare.
Corruption has been always around, it isn't getting any worse. Nothing stays the same ever, good things happen, bad things happen. Now, people involved with homosexuality is none of your business. Nor is it mine, it's a sexual orientation. That's all there is to it and I don't believe it should be outlawed because it doesn't affect anybody but the people who practice it themselves.
Liberals are becoming Anti-christ and support no Ten Commandments and ban Holy Bible , Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S.A.
Anti-Christ? What nonsense!
You are totally wrong on the Liberals and the Pledge of Allegiance. Nobody is trying to ban the Holy Bible, but it does not belong in the government. You have to remember that. The moral values may be rooted in Christian Principles but America is a huge melting pot. The Holy Bible has no business being in the government. The USA has gone through so many changes and there's so many different cultures blending into the American culture whether you like it or not.
If you try to preserve the "Culture" of America, then you're acting just like the French government and look where they are now.
In no way are the Liberals trying to ban the Pledge of Allegiance, what they want to see gone is the "Under God" verse because it doesn't belong there. It wasn't there till the 1950s when the Red Scare was such a big deal in America. It was added to the pledge for purely political reasons, nothing more. You have to look into the history of the pledge, it should go back to its original version, not the revised version.
( You live in Canada would you want liberals to rip the Pledge of Allegiance of Canada I think it goes O'Canada? from you ??? )
I am a moderate Liberal, and the National Anthem of Canada has been revised several times through the years. It've been O' Canada for years, but would I care if it was revised again? Not really, and I haven't sung it for years. It's not that special to tell you the truth. However, I do value the Canadian flag very much.
To look into the history of the national anthem, click on the link below;
That is why I am soooooooooo angry with the liberals and keep catching the liberals trying to manipulate and twist things around and Thank God the jowling liberals are being stopped !!!!!!!!!!!! The American people are waking up and starting to hate the liberals for what they stand up for... Liberals are UN-AMERICAN AND UN-CHRISTIAN !!!!!
No, you are angry with yourself. You have issues to iron out, and it certainly isn't the liberals. It's the hatred inside you that is eating away at you. I don't believe there is such a thing as being Un-American unless it's a physical threat toward the people of America for just being American citizens.
You are being the Anti-Christ by your own definition by passing judgment onto the Liberals.
The more I get angry about liberals the more I see of liberalism the liberals are a sell out to American values , way of life the liberals do not want you to know they actively work with socialists and communists openly at first.... DID YOU KNOW THAT?
You are obviously brainwashed when it come to the concepts of communism and socialism. The Red Scare brought out a lot of Anti-Communist Propaganda. Canada is a Socialist/Democratic country and one of the best countries in the whole world to live in according to many people. You need to get your head straightened out and stop spewing out all sorts of crap and misinformation.