We'll see what happens in the long run.
Regardless, who cares about Halliburton? The Earth itself is far more important.
Good Deal! I second!
I am totally with you!
Have a good one.
I am still typing up the rebuttal. I fell asleep earlier. I was just dead tired![]()
I suggest to delete your rebuttal, take a nice break and go directly to your home-sweet-home bed. Enjoy your dreamland.
The Facts About Climate Change
* FACT: Average global temperatures increased by about 1 degree Fahrenheit over the 20th century.
* FACT: The United States contains only 5 percent of the world’s population, but contributes 22 percent of the world’s carbon emissions.
* FACT: Between 20 and 25 percent of carbon emissions come from deforestation and land use change.
* FACT: The Golden Toad (Bufo periglenes) is thought to be the first species to go extinct because of climate change.
* FACT: Personal cars and trucks in the United States emit 20 percent of the United States' carbon emissions.
* FACT: Air conditioning and heating account for almost half of electricity use in the average American home.
* FACT: Climate change is linked to stronger hurricanes, more drought and increased coral deaths from bleaching.
* FACT: Climate change is linked to an increase in disease-carrying pests that lead to the increased spread of diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, lyme disease and West Nile virus.
While you two enjoy your little game, allow me to point out that no matter what we call it or whoever/whatever caused it, it's important that people recognize that something is happening.
It's called awareness and we all need to increase our awareness of the world. We all are too focused on trivial issues/divisions and we don't see the greater forces at work.
We need to be open to the possibility of shit totally hitting the fan. I'm talking about catastrophic economic collapse, global and local. I'm talking about martial law and the control of people. I'm talking about the de-valuation of the dollar and the introduction of a one world currency.
You don't have to believe in any of that. You simply need to consider it and add it onto what you have already read. By having different theories/thoughts, you can sift through them and come to your own conclusions.
Me? I'd rather spend my days hiking through a forest and collecting ecological data. That is what I do for one of my courses and it is a far cry from writing code for websites, which I used to do. That my friend, is a sea change in perception.
yes that's the difference. Awareness and Actual Cause. Al Gore and all these people are making the world be AWARE of this dooming situation (something that Bush Administration denied). It's just that NONE of scientists/scientific communities have said the ACTUAL CAUSE of this problem is caused by men. That's what i'm trying to say.
We should be concerned with our own surroundings because it is more realistic and practical that way. but this is hard... because human population is growing and so are animal population. Altogether - it puts a strain on Earth's resource and biospheres to keep replenishing.
I don't know why Endy is blaming USA for this. Just look at China, India, Africa, and bunch other poor countries. They're dumping craps and everything into rivers and nature as they have no centralized disposal system. We have a controlled, regulated disposal system called Landfills and we have a controlled, regulated sewer system. That's why you don't hear of plague in here like West Nile Virus, Bubonic Plague, etc. Compared to other world - we hold it to a relatively high standard. quite simply - we only ask Americans to consume less resource. that is all.
If you want to make it better - better start human/animal culling![]()
Hansen notes that in determining responsibility for climate change, the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on climate is not determined by current emissions, but by accumulated emissions over the lifetime of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. By this measure the U.S. is still the largest single cause of climate change even though its current emissions are surpassed by the PRC.[citation needed]
On public policy, Hansen is critical of what he sees as efforts to mislead the public on the issue of climate change. He points specifically to the Competitive Enterprise Institute's commercials with the tagline "you call CO2 pollution, we call it life"[9], and politicians who accept money from fossil fuel interests and then describe global warming as "a great hoax." He also says that changes needed to reduce global warming do not require hardship or reduction in the quality of life, but will also produce benefits such as cleaner air and water, and growth of high-tech industries
James Hansen disagrees with you:
James Hansen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He is the man that Al Gore took inspiration from. He doesn't like what Gore has done but he stands behind his early research. He sounded the beacon long before Gore did.
That is what I'm trying to say. Even if we start going green-friendly NOW... it does not make any impact at all on Global Warming (except micro-climate). James Hansen's study supports this and my post. He speaks of micro-climate and our biospheres. BTW - he did not link global warming to menYou waste too much time arguing on WHO and WHAT is responsible for our current climate.
We are past that. We can still reduce greenhouse gases and LEARN how to take care of our environment DESPITE what happens in the long term. This is something that we should have done a long time ago, instead of openly dumping waste in rivers and lakes and mining hazardous chemicals such as asbestos, etc.
People are careless when it comes to the pursuit of (ultimately worthless)paper money.
I have doubts about peak oil and right now, I'm 50-50 on a theory of peak oil and a theory that oil prices have been grossly inflated to support OPEC and other nations that depend on oil.
completely understandable. it's a savage world out there... and greed...
Peak Oil may be a research subject for a paper I have due soon. One of my courses, called Global Energy Prospective, talks a lot about the idea of peak oil and whether or not it actually exists, etc. I think it's possible but I have to keep my mind open to other possibilities as well.
Find the exact quote that I said that because that is not what I said at all. I said you MISUNDERSTOOD it and I said those information in their websites DID NOT link the cause of global warming to men's activity.So, are you saying that all websites are created and made by the governments and environmental agencies INVALID? Websites are created by governments and environmental agencies made obvious records and facts. Still, you are shouting at them that they are full of Bologna, aren't you?
Indeed, It comes from Men - Definitely man-made production and continuity of usages. Industries and Transportation. People make cars and trucks from industries. People use cars and trucks that discharge CO2. Factories are man-made, brought coals and oils into machines to keep factories running all-round year, and produced a lot of materials. Heater burns oil and coals more than woods. Air Conditioners and Refrigerators are man-made and discharged CO2. The more warm air becomes, the more Air conditioners keep running 24 hours in the heat-long season. Hair sprays and other chemical sprays are man-made that gives away CFCs. Deforestation and land-clearing are caused by men with saws, axes, and torches. Coals and Oils are produced into electricity every day to meet the populations' demands, so is Nuclear Power giving away a lot of CO2. Kitchen appliances give away enough amount of CO2. The percent in people's usage of transportation has increased. Electricity is becoming more demands and they bring more oils and more coals to produce more electricity.
You know how smog does, the heat traps in the smog, that raises the air temperatures in the city, it upsets the wildlife, and so is the human population. This does affect on people's health, especially breathing. People are desperate for brief relief from smog. How can they be part of the adaptation to their localized climate changes?
Why don't you look up on Wikipedia? I am puzzled by your remarks on Wikipedia. It's a great resource! There are rich resources and references regarding Climate Changes. And you won't look into it? That makes me wondering.
oh lord.... again - you got confused. The adaptation I speak of is the adaptation done by nature to correct itself and I have already proved it to you based on the link you provided previously. Now you're talking about adaptation by humans. BIG DIFFERENCE.Adaptation is near-impossible according to this link: Adaptations to climate change - Encyclopedia of Earth. Adaptation alone cannot eliminate climate-related damages completely. Even with all the possible protective measures, climate change will impose additional economic, social, and ecological costs. In addition to the adaptation measures taken privately and publicly, global communities should cut the rising greenhouse gases through an efficient global economic policy and cooperation. If we didn't do something with the climate changes, Costs of Adaptation is unpredictable and it's beyond our grasp. Another link to the Adaptation: Adaptation Network, a project of Earth Island Institute. It sounds like FEMA having troubles with adaptation programs up on victims of Hurricane Katrina and other government agencies assisting the homeless people who lost homes to wild fires and flooding in the recent years. Why isn't the Earth correcting, or even the adaptation in the Africa. For instance, the recent cyclone wiped Myanmar off the map and how can the adaptation apply to this one? Meterologists said that cyclone was the biggest monstrous one than ever, compared to Hurricane Katrina. What about the jungle life after deforestation in the Brazil? Where can those animals go after the rainforest is wiped out. How would they fit in the description of adaptation? More rare land animals are moving to the near-extinction, and so are the rare marine animals. If the warm water continues in the Great Barrier Reef and it is coral-bleaching, how can they adapt their marine life without a reef. They can be threatened to be eaten by other marine animals.
These websites made some points that IF we take our parts to prevent the climate changes, adapt our habits and alter the lifestyle, therefore Adaptation is possible to catch up with minimal of economic involvement.
lol. lol. lol. lol. nothing more for me to say. oh the youths these days....I am chuckling on this college education. I don't believe in sending people to university to be a smart person. (Oh please!). People have choices. People have ways to learn and educate themselves, such as home schooling. I am one of them. However, if it is free college tuitions, I can consider but banks making a lot of money out of students' loans, and so are the universities. Therefore, I am not interested into universities and colleges. No hard feelings.
see above.Still, you are calling all websites that created by governments and environmental agencies full of bullsh*t? Even to those websites by United Nations?
I've already explained why USA rejected Kyoto Treaty. If you cannot understand it - nothing more I can do for you. Why protest against USA? Go protest countries like China and India for spewing their pollution and smog into USA. If they clean up their acts, we will. no doubt.There are a lot of people really upset by George Bush for not taking part of the Kyoto Treaty. Everybody who were part of the environmental organization and agencies, even the governments who were totally into environment causes -- everyone was all excited, pumped up because they can go ahead, work on their goals on reforms on the Energy resources and other green issues. He denied it. His administration denied. England, France, Spain, and most Europeans were so pissed off. They worked so hard for the treaty. Now, look at the relationships with the US citizens and Bush Administration, everybody is miserable and highly criticizing him badly. Of course, he is like other oilmen who don't believe in the global warming and climate changes at all. Climate change is just right under your nose. Everybody is affected by Climate changes. Why denying while the facts are there?
Yes, we do contribute the causes to the climate changes. The climates in the Artic are increasing, melting ice -- and we are flooding some shores of Norway, The Netherlands and some areas of lands that is lower than sea level.
Last, your professor quoted, "this is simply a transformation of global environment (the phase that Earth is going thru to correct and adapt in response to accommodating the biosphere.)" Okay, can you give me the best examples that there was the place that transformed, self-corrected and adapted in response to accommodate the biosphere, such as marine life in Great Barrier Reef and wildlife in the glacial area in Artic? Once ice is wiped and Polar bears will be wiped. So are the rare Great Barrier Reef fishes when coral bleaching is complete.
Anyway, why cannot we start becoming green, living green lifestyle? We can start conserving water, give up gas/oil for solar power, alter transportation method, etc. This lifestyle can slow down the global warming/climate changes. It'd accomplish if it happens, the adaptation can be easily managed.