and thank you for good discussion as well.

I'm always happy to be involved in this Global Warming debate because i find it quite interesting to see each other's POV about it.
My rebuttal to your post -
1. Pretty much ALL nations live on oil. It's just that we're a huge nation. Huge nation = huge demand for oil. It's not fair to compare USA to any other country. Just don't forget that European countries completely raped the Earth far worse than America. Back in old history - England depleted its land of trees for firewood and aggressively used coal power which resulted in horrible smogs and stillbirths. Europeans conquered other nations for its resources and depleted it as well. America learned from European's demise which is why we have far more beautiful lands than any other WELL-DEVELOPED countries. Europe has nearly non-existent viable agricultural land. Spain has a VERY few remaining arable agricultural land but it's shrinking smaller and smaller as its soil nutrition are being drained. That land's changing into salt field.
2. I'm not sure why you're targeting your anger toward to America. You make it sound like we Americans are contributing to global warming and don't do squat about environment. Well I don't know about you but we don't have Yellow River, smogs like China, cars that spew dirty black smokes, etc. As far as I'm concerned - we're very anal about regulations and we're quick to learn from mistakes.... unlike other nations like China and India. Good gracious... how do people live like that in such horrid conditions... Thanks God we Americans can never let it happen in here and if it does - we fight for it. They didn't. You should be shaking your finger

at China. I mean c'mon... 2 billion china men... vs. 300 million Yankees... who do you think is causing more damage?
3. you claim that USA made more nuclear power plant accidents than any other nuclear plants in the world?

that's weird.... link? yes we did have Three Miles Island (it's 3 hours from me) but nobody was hurt or killed or injured or even gotten sick by it.
4. We store most of our nuclear wastes at Yucca Mountain and it's kept secured enough from damaging our environment. It's stored sufficiently safe enough for future genius minds to figure out how to dispose it efficiently. I doubt Russia, India, China, etc. can do any better than this
5. What does wildfire in Southwestern USA has to do with global warming? it's just an act of nature that has been doing this for millions of years. You know... lightning hits the tree... boom... it creates fire... Earth's being doing same old same old for millions of years. This has nothing to do with current global warming.
6. Increased frequency of hurricanes/tornado has nothing to do with global warming. the experts actually called it a natural phenomenon. they actually have not made an official statement of linking this to global warming. NONE. Just because it never happened before doesn't mean it never did. We just didn't exist there to witness it. Beside.... we were on Earth just a couple hundred thousand years and Earth is what? 4.5 billion years old? give or take a few millions. What about Ice Age? Oh was that Global Cooling caused by cavemen?
oh about high frequency of tornado? It's because we plowed our land flat (especially China)... thus creating a perfect recipe to create tornado. Hundred miles of flat land with no obstacles (no mountain, no tree, nothing) = perfect recipe for tornado. Solution? Just put in bunch of thick trees to serve as barrier to slow down the wind from building up the speed and strength. It worked pretty well. Chinese planted thousands of it already and it has proven a result in reducing the numbers of tornado aka dust storm. Again - NOTHING to do with global warming.
7. we're seeing whales, seals, sharks everyday that we're not supposed to? uh.. i don't know about you but there are nearly 7 billion people and we're in the places where we're not supposed to be. Ever seen Dubai Islands? I'm sure the animals weren't pleased about our intrusions into their environment. Don't they wish they have guns for human culling?
8. Sea animals dying on beach frequently every other week? Well I don't know what's more alarming to you - some 5-10? dead polar bears drowning to death per week.... or 500 deaths from DUI per week.
9. Water Crisis and Drought... maybe because there are too many people and no water conservation policy at that time. Either way - we quickly learned from it and adapted a new law/policy/practice. and I wouldn't worry about the drought in USA. we have frequent raining that will replenish our water... no problem. I pity Aussies... sorry
10. Insects Migrations? What does that have to do with global warming? What about 2 billion china men? they're invading all over the lands!! what should we do??? oh wait - they have enforced One-Child-Per-Family Policy. Whew!
It seems that you're confused about the definition of "Global Warming" and its cause & effect. Obviously - it is simply defined as "the world is getting hotter" but the cause-and-effect has not been determined yet. not one OFFICIAL statement has been issued to link global warming to mankind. There is a CONSENSUS agreement within governments, scientific communities and experts that global warming is a NATURAL PHENOMENON but they do RECOGNIZE the needs to adopt green-friendly approach just to make their IMMEDIATE surrounding area cleaner.
That is all. That is the fact. What you speak of are misconceptions and propaganda by tree-huggers - not a lie but half-truth being taken out of context.
I know this is very hard for you to grasp this as natural phenomenon but I can tell you that I had same problem before. After I obtained a geography degree... everything makes so much better sense. If you want to - you should take an opportunity to learn this from knowledgeable geography professors to fully understand the complicated intrinsic system of Earth and the relationship with nature and humanity. Yes I have seen Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" and yes he made some impressive, persuasive presentation with some nice bell and whistles. Unfortunately - he gave you a "Half-Truth." My professor did enjoy it and chuckled about it. He gave us lengthy lectures on it to correct its misconceptions and half-truths. Mind you - he is a tree-hugger as well but he believes in facts. He did say that mankind does contribute to global warming but at very very very very very MINUSCULE part. He did acknowledge that there is no direct link between mankind and Global Warming.
Seek the truth! Learn about Earth!