Sorry buddy but I'll have to bring my heavy gun out this time to end this silly argument ONCE and FOR ALL.
Economic miracle, environmental disaster - (
***warning - it is nasty)
And this pollution makes American pollution looks like an annoying gum in your shoes. Endy, - this is precisely why you should not be focusing your anger toward America and believing too much in what you see like Inconvenient Truth. This pollution in above link is nothing compared to pollution in America. The pollution in "third world" countries and poverty-stricken areas in several nations are much much much more devastating than your silly little argument about America spewing out a little too much CO2. There are THOUSAND of pollution sites EXACTLY like this in South America, Africa, Mexico, and Asia. You do not see this kind of thing in USA - not as bad as this.
Kyoto Treaty? LOL it's a farce. Sure the climate is changing, but it is caused by the sun. Yes, CO2 levels are increasing but they do so AFTER the temperature rises,
not before, and therefore cannot be the cause of the warming. A warm, wet earth is preferable to a cold, dry earth. CO2 is not a pollutant and it contributes very little to the Greenhouse effect. Water vapour is by far the most significant greenhouse gas. The Kyoto Protocol is a political solution to a non-existent problem.
I repeat - YES Global Warming does exist. it is part of a natural cycle. When we look at earth's history,
the climate on earth is not dictated so much by carbon dioxide but by the Sun's radiance. Nothing short of a Dyson Sphere is going to liberate earth's climate from the sun. To address ideas about carbon dioxide and temperature, one must realize that ice cores samples show carbon dioxide concentration and temperature. However rather than carbon dioxide affect temperature, when superimposed, carbon dioxide concentrations lag behind, by an average of 800 years. This can be explained by the solubility of Carbon dioxide in water as a function of the temperature of water (warmer water will dissolve less carbon dioxide). Likewise, when we superimpose recorded sunspot activity over temperature levels, there is a much closer correlation between temperature and sun surface activity than between temperature and carbon dioxide. Furthermore, if we want to really consider greenhouse gases, Water Vapour contributes 95% of greenhouse warming, without which, we would be a frozen desolate planet.
Well..... I hope that's not too complicated for you to understand, Endy because this is not usually something you can find in google. While Internet is a great source of information.... nothing can beat a good old fashioned books. Well here it is for you -
Climate myths: Ice cores show CO2 increases lag behind temperature rises, disproving the link to global warming
Global Warming is ALWAYS happening. It frustrates me because people always think before humans civilization, there was no global warming. Yes, the oceans are warming up, which will reduce the solubility of CO2 in the oceans, which will put out more CO2. If CO2 had a significant effect on global warming, then it's a self-reinforcing cycle and we would have been crisp long ago. I do concur that dying coral reefs is quite bad because it means we're destroying natural resources. it's just that we aren't the ones causing it. "
Most of the world's biological scientists believe in global warming as well as the fact that it is human induced"..... ok...... come on... just a couple hundred years ago, most of the world including scientists once thought the world was flat.... Did that make them right?
The IPCC (Internation Panel on Climate Change) has put together 4 reports on the issue with contributions from over 2,000 scientists. No scientist is willing to conclusively say 100% that climate change is man-made and will lead to catastrophes, because they know that no matter how sure they are, their work is still a scientific theory, they are very careful about their wording. This last report from the IPCC was regarded as "the strongest wording yet" on climate change.
Be cool or Be hot!