I'd like to thank you to couple persons who advised me to include links on what I learned about Global Warming and Climate Changes. I decide to bomb the links to support my arguments in the recent postings and comments. Here comes.
Climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This link leads you to Global Warming/Climate Changes - this site has numerous of references and more links to the different topics that are associated with Climate Changes.
Global Warming: Early Warning Signs This link supports my points on both warm air/water temperatures and Land/Sea animals migration. Intergovernmental Panel on Climates Change (IPCC) and agencies are working on this research. They have their computer/data technology, equipments, indicators, and so on. These scientists are trained to record everything, recognize everything, take samples to the labs for more further researches.
Climate Change - What you can do about climate change and global warming: Facts about climate change This one is a great resource, Fast Facts on Climates Change. I cut and paste some facts from this link -- FACT: The United States contains only 5 percent of the world's population, but contributes 22 percent of the world's carbon emissions. FACT: Climate change is linked to stronger hurricanes, more drought and increased coral deaths from bleaching. Here is the link from my bookmarks regarding Great Barrier Reef by Austrailia,
Great Barrier Reef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (scroll down to the environmental threat section).
Forests | Climate Change - Health and Environmental Effects | U.S. EPA This is regarding the forests, wildfire (It's the common sense, more droughts, dying forests, lightning strikes, Viola, there is wildfire. If the climate change is not affected, forests will remain moisturized with plenty of rain. Pests are bringing diseases and trees are ending up infested. Pests survive in the warm climates and they rarely migrate north, thus warm air changed in north. Pests migrate north. This has similar to Africanized Killer Bees migrating into United States years ago, thanks to Climate changes.
Allow me connecting the wild fire to southern California. The climate change is affected because of lack of moisture. More droughts in the area. Once the lightning strike, the lands were scorched and homes were burned down. It's possible to see wild fires in the southeastern part of the US due to drought seasons. South of New Mexico and Texas can be next victims. Pray that the lightning or a natural don't cause a fire.
Royal Horticultural Society - Climate Change and
Forests That's where I learned long time ago about Infested forests linked to climate changes.
Greenhouse gas is GOOD for us because the temperatures are maintained and pretty fairly controllable, all resources are easily managed, rainforest/lands-rich with trees are so abundant in the nations in the past... however once greenhouse gas is "messed up," then, the climate changes is affected and we are affected by this. For instance, excess of greenhouse gas is the result of CO2 buildups. The temperatures are increasing. The fact is that Greenhouse effect is abundance of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, CFCs. In the past, it was easily managed as I said. Once, it is "messed up" due to human activity. Since the written records on greenhouse effect in 1750's, the human activity has increased the concentration of carbon dioxide and of some other greenhouse gases. Burning of fossil fuels and deforestation leading to higher carbon dioxide concentrations. I wish I can go on... You guys can GOOGLE more on this Greenhouse Gas and Greenhouse Effects.
Now, Tornadoes, flooding and hurricanes. Brooklyn, New York is the first in the history to have minor tornado. It surely shook up the whole New Jersey, New York City and Connecticut. Anyway, here is the link to my point of increasing tornadoes:
Tornadoes and Climate Change. Flooding and Droughts will be expected to hit in the Midwest (
US National Assessment of Climate Change.* Overview: Midwest). This is similar to southeastern states that are already affected.
To my response to nuclear plant accidents:
Nuclear and Chemical Accidents — Infoplease.com. This information is new to me, Japan and United States are tied. 3-3. However I have one in my bookmark:
U.S. Nuclear Accidents. (Scroll down to Power Plants section, Processing, Storage, Shipping and Disposal section, ignore other sections, it has to do with military.)
To my responses to energy resources in the nations. Who is leading and developing the Energy Sources. US is still behind, much to catch up. Japan:
Japanese Company Leads World in Solar Power Production – WIN Advisory Group, so is the Germany:
Germany Leads the World in Solar Power | etbe - Russell Coker. England is leading in Wind Power:
Britain leads the world on wind power - Green Living, Environment - The Independent. England is catching up on a fast pace. China is leading in renewable sources:
China leads the world in renewable energy. « Green Icebergs - a look at the world from a different perspective and
A report by The Climate Group claims China is the leading producer of renewable energy | Environment | guardian.co.uk. I did state that European nations are way ahead of us -- Let me clear this one -- quoted from
World energy resources and consumption - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Denmark and Germany have started to make investments in solar energy, despite their unfavorable geographic locations. Germany is now the largest consumer of photovoltaic cells in the world. Denmark and Germany have installed 3 GW and 17 GW of wind power respectively. In 2005, wind generated 18.5% of all the electricity in Denmark. Switzerland is planning to cut its energy consumption by more than half to become a 2000-watt society by 2050 and the United Kingdom is working towards a zero energy building standard for all new housing by 2016. In 2005, the Swedish government announced the oil phase-out in Sweden with the intention to become the first country to break its dependence on fossil fuel by 2020." Where is the United State and the plan? (That's my argument.)
To my shock, its new discovery for me today -- The US consumes 25% of the world's energy (with a share of global productivity at 22% and a share of the world population at 5%). OMG, Wow... We are PIGS!!
Anyway, For more information, even anyone wants to study on Climate Changes. I put links here... below.
USGS Global Change Science: Welcome
National Center for Environmental Health: Climate Change and Public Health - Policy | CDC
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
US Climate Change Science Program
Climate Change | U.S. EPA
NASA GISS: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
NCDC: Global Climate Change
USGS: Science Topics: climate change