This woman hears worse in some aspects with CI over HA.

From what I have observed with CI users, I think that is the trick. Low expectations, and high hopes. And an acceptance of the fact that it is going to require work and more work. Those people that have those kinds of attitudes are the ones that seem to be most satisfied and get the most benefit. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to be all about staying realistic.

That's the bottom line Jillio. It all comes down to the expectations one has. The less expectations a person has, the more satisfied they are with their CIs. I'm an example of that. When both of my CIs were activated, I had no expectations whatsoever. Instead, I went into my activation day with a sense of adventure and was delighted when I could hear environmental sounds.
When I had my CI, I expect it to be the same as my HA. I did not expect it to make me be like a hearing person. I did it because I wanted something different. I HATED the feedback that I kept getting my hearing aids. It was distracting from my conversation with other people (and yes, I've tried everything. there something about the way I smile that keep giving it feedback. It was almost like I was not allow to smile).

I'm glad I did it. My life became alittle easier.
(and yes, I've tried everything. there something about the way I smile that keep giving it feedback. It was almost like I was not allow to smile).

All of my audis solved this problem by having me smile and open my mouth when the earmold impression material was in my ear.
All of my audis solved this problem by having me smile and open my mouth when the earmold impression material was in my ear.

I did that too, but it made it worst when I don't smile. earmold just don't move with your ears. but anyway, I feel better now with the cochlear.
I did that too, but it made it worst when I don't smile. earmold just don't move with your ears. but anyway, I feel better now with the cochlear.

I think the type of earmold you have also makes a difference in terms of feedback. From what I understand, full shell earmolds are best for people who have severe-profound or profound loss, but I couldn't use them due to constant ear infections and the "barrel effect." Therefore, I used skeleton earmolds yet I never experienced any problems with feedback.

Like you, I'm glad to be rid of earmolds just the same. I used to HATE wearing them in the heat and humidity and am glad those days are over now that I have CIs. :)
Do you have information that shows that audiologists receive compensation for cochlear implants?

They werent audiologists...they were consultants and they tend to get paid a hell of a lot of money. No wonder they were all hyped up about CIs.
Naive to think they don't, or that they don't make money on the MAP.

You do have a point there, Bott. When I had a single CI, my audi charged $265/mapping session. Now that I'm bilateral, that cost is doubled.
I have a CI and I dont think I am making as much progress as I should, I cannot really listen to msuic or use a phone but that is ok with me
Naive to think they don't, or that they don't make money on the MAP.

My audiologist spends 3 hours MAPing my daughter and gets paid for one. AB has a program that makes MAPing faster, but he doesn't use it because he feels like the kids get better results if he does it the old fashioned way, setting the T and M levels himself.
AB has a program that makes MAPing faster, but he doesn't use it because he feels like the kids get better results if he does it the old fashioned way, setting the T and M levels himself.

What are T and M levels? Is that similar to T and C levels for Nucleus CIs which represent the softest and most comfortable sound one can hear?
From what I have observed with CI users, I think that is the trick. Low expectations, and high hopes. And an acceptance of the fact that it is going to require work and more work. Those people that have those kinds of attitudes are the ones that seem to be most satisfied and get the most benefit. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to be all about staying realistic.

I vouch for this.
What are T and C levels?
I am still clueless about my Cochlear Implant and mapping stuff even though iv had it a while, nobody has made time to explain to me even though im old enough, i guess iv gotta to start googling more unless someone is really kind enough to explain....
Do you have information that shows that audiologists receive compensation for cochlear implants?

Of course their is a financial incentive. The more people are implanted, the more patients they see for follow up and regualr mapping. Simple logic. And CI manufacturers do offer incentive for using their particular brand, the same way that pharmaceutical companies offer incentive to physicians for prescribing their particular meds. "Tis well known within the medical community.

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