The pictures in California.

CyberRed said:
Very nice pictures ! I am curious -- what's the temp. on that day you both were travelin' ?

70's to 80's on the trip, around low to mid 70's when we were at the reunion and at my parents place.
Heath said:
TrippLA, That is why I said volcanco ?

just so that you know okay ....

It's supposed be but many people are confused about it.
Sweetheart said:
Thanks, you can ask him when he makes the thread... Thanks, we had blast time in there but HOT! Wow... And, ratties enjoyed but hate the noise and hot I bet... And, I know almost everybody include you hate rats even include some of my family. Odd thing, when Sequoias and I got in his friend's apt and everybody wanted to hold the rats, they love them. Strange!

Sweetheart is right, I don't understand why a high percentage of active Alldeaf members hate rats while there's about at least 12 guests in my friend's apartment wanted to pet our ratties and talk about them. Only one was scared of holding a rat because of her past, then she finally decided to give a chance and she liked them because they were sweet and wouldn't bite her. There's nothing wrong with them. They're only minature pets like cats or dogs.

You're missing out the fun. Our rats are so smart, if you open the bathroom door when the cage door is open. They will run back to the cage when they see us entering the bathroom, not kidding! They will even figure out how to get to Sweetheart's arms and shoulders when they're out of reach, also they will walk down to the cage when you put your arm to the cage door. They've also finally learned to jump!
Cool ! I am glad they have their company ( you and Sweetheart ) to give them some love and attention. But, one thing I hate to feel -- their tail. Yikes ! It feels like a " snake's skin " ... that's one thing I don't like to feel by touchin'. *shudder* If, they don't have tails on them, then, I don't mind to hold them.
sequoias said:
70's to 80's on the trip, around low to mid 70's when we were at the reunion and at my parents place.

Not bad for that day. lol It's good to see you both back in one piece ! I am lookin' forward to seein' your pictures. ;)
AWW I miss seeing California! I feel like I am there! HEE! Those are beautiful pictures!

AW RATTIES!! Come here so I can pet you guys!! :giggle: Yes rats are smart as cats and dogs!

Thanks for sharing those great pictures!
Heath said:
Hi Sweetheart, I just saw the pictures. I did not know California had an active volanco ? but it does make sense since Hawaii is so close by to California geographically and the weather usually is always warm, sunny balmy in CA. I am really surprised you guys took the pet rats on vacation with you. I am glad you enjoyed your time in California and I am glad that Sequoias did introduce you to his family. I hope things will continue to go well and also I hope you will eventually meet Fei Ku again in Michigan soon and I hope that will be good also to visit your parents too. I am sure they all miss you too so does Fei Ku miss you too. :angel:

Let me explain to you about volcanoes. We are in a ring of fire which there's a long chain of volcanoes line up circling the Pacific Ocean from Japan, East Russia, Alaska, BC, Washington, Oregon, California, South America and so on....There are even some volcanoes in Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Colorado and Wyoming and some others but they're not active except the Yellowstone in Wyoming, they only spew geysers in the huge 30 mile crater of the super volcano.
Sweetheart said:

Oh that's great, I hope you did have fun!

I love California but $$$$$$$$, yikes!

i know but vacation there is cheap like $$$$$$ lol jk
hehe rather live there $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

but my brother and his family lives there oh well

i love california but will get vacation there anyway
sequoias said:
Let me explain to you about volcanoes. We are in a ring of fire which there's a long chain of volcanoes line up circling the Pacific Ocean from Japan, East Russia, Alaska, BC, Washington, Oregon, California, South America and so on....There are even some volcanoes in Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Colorado and Wyoming and some others but they're not active except the Yellowstone in Wyoming, they only spew geysers in the huge 30 mile crater of the super volcano.

How about Mt. Helens? It seems already active in 1980 and again in last year or in 2004.
TrippLA said:
How about Mt. Helens? It seems already active in 1980 and again in last year or in 2004.

Um, read again please.
TrippLA said:

I found "Washington" in your post.

LOL.. poor ya.. hehe.. now you know?? :) i am fascinated over volcanoes as it is related to natural phenomena.. It is always my favorite subject. :D

sorry off topic.. hehe.. :)
LakeTahoe said:
AWW I miss seeing California! I feel like I am there! HEE! Those are beautiful pictures!

AW RATTIES!! Come here so I can pet you guys!! :giggle: Yes rats are smart as cats and dogs!

Thanks for sharing those great pictures!

You will be in California soon!!!!!

Then come here to petting our ratties :lol: yeppers, Rats are very smart... They always come to me instead of another people because they smell my scent and they know that it's my scent, they have smart nose and ears than eyes, but they can see good but not see BEST like another animals... And more go on about rats that they are smart...

You're welcome!
moonflower said:
i know but vacation there is cheap like $$$$$$ lol jk
hehe rather live there $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

but my brother and his family lives there oh well

i love california but will get vacation there anyway

:lol: you silly.. If they have a house that is cheap then we could buy that house, but right now, no thanks. I rather in couple of years when we can afford good... Also, I love to be in California for Vacation because it's beautiful and such like that you can say about California!

My Sequoias' parents live in California too ;)