The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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nevermind. what have i missed?
I have decided with the school year winding down, now is the prime time to look for a full-time job at Tyson, Im giving up on ConAgra, after six months of waiting, and currently working 4 jobs, its getting ridiculous. Tomorrow Im subbing at the school, and during my prep period Im going to the unemployment office to get an application and hopefully I will be able to get on 3rd shift there, and have better workhours that what Im currently getting. Im missing too much with my daughter and although I've got B's in my classes I feel like my grades are slipping.

B's!? with all these jobs and daughter? That's beyond amazing! :-o
Personally, I think it is great that the deaf/Deaf/HOH are speaking out on these topics and expressing their POV. For too long, throughout history, they were not permitted input into the services they were provided, nor input regarding what is most helpful to them. It is only a shame that people still attempt to discount their authority on their own needs, and things escalate into bans. But what better place for them to speak than a deaf forum?

Eloquently, well said ;)
Another rainy day I guess. UGH! It make me :zzz: I need to go grocery shopping get few things that we needed and stock up as well. I hope my kid don't beg for candy or toy! He don't need any more toys...he don't really play with them much lately. So why bother to buy and not play with..that's waste of $. I will have to sit and talk to him. He is 8 and I noticed at age 8 to 12, less play with toys.

So have a good day ADers! :wave:
I'm back from sunny San Diego. I feel relaxed and I've gotten compliments on my tan.

Back to the daily grind here in Washington, DC.

I weep. :tears:
I am just watching my 4th DVD and it is almost midnight. I wont be in bed in 2 hours time. Not tired though.
I'm happy that I don't have to go to work until 3 p.m. I normally work 9-3 but we have a staff meeting AFTER hours today so I am working from 3 to 9 today. I got to sleep in !! This never happens! :)
Hi all, I am trying to be part of VIP member of AD and trying to make a donate. I send Alex a meesage. Still waiting since morning. Any idea?
One hour of your post, and I am about to head to bed. :lol:
sounds like you need to increase the med dosage for Jiro Syndrome :hmm:

my work PC is very very very slow, I rather want to use my new PC at home. It took me 20 minutes to wait for the PC to be ready. :mad2:
Thanks god it Friday! (Friday morning here now) Looking forward to the long weekend and a big birthday party on Sunday. Whoo hoooo! :dance::cheers::dance2::party::thumb:
I am getting frustrated with my hives...I just got a letter from my lawyer composing all the evidence and witnesses I will need for my case and immediately, I broke out in hives. Ugh!!!!
I am getting frustrated with my hives...I just got a letter from my lawyer composing all the evidence and witnesses I will need for my case and immediately, I broke out in hives. Ugh!!!!

Benadryl not only will help with your hives, but it is where some of the SSRI's derive, so if you take it for the hives, it will also calm you a little.
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