The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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Very much so. I had one group come through the register tonight and they were making homemade pizzas. The only thing that was pre-made was the crust and the pepperoni and grated cheese. Everything else was fresh veggies and spices. It made me want to do the same but I didn't feel like making pizzas at 1 in the morning!
My hubby, daughter and I got home yesterday. We had a great time in Oklahoma. We enjoyed to spent time with out Grandaughter. :)
I am drinking coffee and am about to make a new thread - got my new computer yesterday! :cheers:
That is a brawl in Sydney but the link in my post is different as it is a new story, it is a murder in the suburb, where I live! :shock:
Hell's Angels!
I'm up supposed to be working but instead goofing. I'm turning into a damn night owl. Just 6 months ago I was up and out of bed at 4:30. Now it seems like I don't go to bed until about 4:30. WTF?
I'm sooo hungry! Strange because i rarely have appetite this early in the morning. :scratch:
It is already half past midnight and i am working on my new PC :mad2:
Took me a while to figure out why I won't be able to connect the second monitor to my CPU, in tht end, I had to install the driver, am downloading it right now, and lets hope, it works this time.
Took me a while to figure out why I won't be able to connect the second monitor to my CPU, in tht end, I had to install the driver, am downloading it right now, and lets hope, it works this time.

Time out to bed, son
Unfortunately, failed. The failure occurs with the Vista Business OS. Am trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with my PC
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