The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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Just drop in to say hello!

Sorry to hear about not feeling well, Jolie and Babyblue's daughter. I hope you feel better soon! :hug:
That is not good

i shouldnt use my middle name as password damn it :mad2: Alot people i use my middle name constantly

be careful for you don't be steal password because you are cofident to be careful pls don't be lost for you

i lost my password for email I am not like scam that is very easy adavatages an takes worst to someone have hacking that is not good.:hmm:
How did that come to pass? PH? Your birthday?

No nothing like that. I work flex scheduele. Every other monday I'm automatically off with pay. With my boss permission, I can switch my monday to another day. So I just did the ol' switcheroo. :P
No nothing like that. I work flex scheduele. Every other monday I'm automatically off with pay. With my boss permission, I can switch my monday to another day. So I just did the ol' switcheroo. :P

Hehe, y'all got something good going there and this is coming from a guy who sez it is Saturday everyday! :lol:
Serectly, I hope the system is still down so I can oversleep tomorrow! :giggle:

The cold is still lingering over me but it's getting a little bit better, I hope. Thanks for asking. :)

Yeah, I've been drugged up on the NyQuil. :lol:

:lol: It's nice to occasionally sleep in! Uh-oh--better be careful with the NyQuil!
Cool job being so close to all that power, lol....what's the scope of your superior's duties?

She oversees the entire branch. We deal mostly with HR issues.

There's alot more to it than that. I think I would put you to sleep explaining it all in detail. :P
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