The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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I found my best friend from 18 years ago! We did so much together and lost contact due to me moving around and never saw each other again.

Until tonight.

how did you find him?

I'm making this perfect meme animation to be used on AD and photoshop just crashed on me before I saved it!

20 minutes down the drain for the work I just did!!

I'm making this perfect meme animation to be used on AD and photoshop just crashed on me before I saved it!

20 minutes down the drain for the work I just did!!

u should be able to quickly remake it half of that time. but sucks to be you. :D
Now, you see that I made it happen along with my true pic of my mini laptop :lol:
you liking it a lot so far?

I love my BB dearly, I am trying to insert a movie I have in my USB into my BB but currently converting it into mp4 to make it work otherwise, it is fantastic. And I love my mini laptop too.
I love my BB dearly, I am trying to insert a movie I have in my USB into my BB but currently converting it into mp4 to make it work otherwise, it is fantastic. And I love my mini laptop too.

Reuters, Monday Feb. 16, 2009 New technology unveiled for online discussions:
naisho, a guy on the internets who seemingly created weapons of mass destruction out of nowhere.

naisho unveils new weapon for debates:
I found my best friend from 18 years ago! We did so much together and lost contact due to me moving around and never saw each other again.

Until tonight.

That's awesome. You must be tickled pink! :)
I love a long holiday weekend, but darnit if it doesn't make it that much more difficult to come back to work!! :mad2:
:mad2: for some odd reason - I'm in a bad mood
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