The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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also, I have a sore neck :(

You too!?!?

I woke up with a stiff neck yesterday!

Moist heat is the best!

Is it just me or what? :lol:

This morning I woke up with a sore neck and had a crick in it.

What is it with these sore necks coming up out of nowhere? Haha.
Is it just me or what? :lol:

This morning I woke up with a sore neck and had a crick in it.

What is it with these sore necks coming up out of nowhere? Haha.

I got that all the time with this crappy pillow few months ago. I threw it out and got a new one. Now everything's a lot better :cool2:
I am babysitting my siblings and I am sleeping in my sister's bed, (hence I don't have a bed here - lived somewhere else, my sister sleeps in my other sister's room) and the bed gave me the neck! Owww
Oh well, it was cute while it lasted. They're like an old couple, huh?

More like a grandfather with a really annoying small child. He is thirteen years old and the dog just turned three. She adores him and he loves her too, but he is happier if she just cuddles without too much activity.
:lol: How true!

Funny thing is my Cat will curl up and sleep with my two little dogs.

The cat loves to hide behind the chair to stalk the dogs and pounces them! My Tea cup will just stand still while the cat is hovering over him!! He knows if he runs the cat will just chase him. The Standard will just start licking the cat and the cat just gives up and leaves. :lol:

Our poodle is seven and she likes to tease him a little by pouncing at him. He always looks completely outraged at her lack of respect. :lol:
Is it just me or what? :lol:

This morning I woke up with a sore neck and had a crick in it.

What is it with these sore necks coming up out of nowhere? Haha.

me too! i woke up with a sore neck and a staple in it!! LOL sorry. sometimes the smart a$$ in me cant resist.
I got that all the time with this crappy pillow few months ago. I threw it out and got a new one. Now everything's a lot better :cool2:

That's good. :)

My pillows are fine and it's set the way where I like it. I think I just happened to sleep in the wrong position that gave me the crick, grr.

I am babysitting my siblings and I am sleeping in my sister's bed, (hence I don't have a bed here - lived somewhere else, my sister sleeps in my other sister's room) and the bed gave me the neck! Owww

Ouch, You just couldn't get enough of that?
me too! i woke up with a sore neck and a staple in it!! LOL sorry. sometimes the smart a$$ in me cant resist.

Oooh, Being a smart @$$ could get you far but then again, it gets you where you're owned too, Heh!

A staple in it, you say? :lol:
Oooh, Being a smart @$$ could get you far but then again, it gets you where you're owned too, Heh!

A staple in it, you say? :lol:

yea a staple. 15 of them!
CI surgery monday.. hmmm i can find a pic if you want lol

Ah I see, That explains. As for the pic - No thanks, LOL. I don't think I'd have a strong stomach to be able to look at it, haha. :)
Yes! All here love gory surgery pictures.:wave:

i was kidding anyways wouldnt wanna post something like that here.. might make someone sick. and its not gory anyways just had someone take a pic of it after i got home with my cell phone so id know what it looked like.
i was kidding anyways wouldnt wanna post something like that here.. might make someone sick. and its not gory anyways just had someone take a pic of it after i got home with my cell phone so id know what it looked like.

It's ok etalton already showed hers so I know what it looks like. :)
Yea, I hope it's the guys. I'm 5'10".

No offense intended!:giggle: I was just getting back at all the tall girls that teased me for being a shorty all my life. I'm only 5'.:P
It's ok etalton already showed hers so I know what it looks like. :)

yea its gross! hers is different. think she had steri strips or whatever its called didnt she? i have a row of staples that looks like a crooked railroad track down the side of my head going behind my ear.
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