The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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you can clean ours next. and my desktop needs to be repaired i think the power supply is dead.
Sounds like your dogs will smell better now Arkie gal.

I'm so damn bored on a friday, its raining outside. :sadwave:
I have nothing better to do than clean my computer components..

Wow..wanna do mine?
Sounds like your dogs will smell better now Arkie gal.

I'm so damn bored on a friday, its raining outside. :sadwave:
I have nothing better to do than clean my computer components..

Wow, It looks good, clean and neat. Good Job! :thumb:
Actually unseasonal warmth..but expected to get a cold front..Atleast in NW Arkansas..I forgot what part of Arkansas she's from.

Yes, it has been unusually warm. If I am correct Fayetteville is set to get the first blast of cold air tomorrow and ours will come Sunday and Sunday night.

Im really enjoying these 60 degree days!:cool2:
I dunno, I have a pet peeve about dirty computers. Even though people don't really see it or anything, if the insides of my computers are dirty, it bothers me.

But if its someone else's like offices when I was at work, I hated having to clean those! Caked with dust to the max.

The compressed air cans were too punty to do the job, i'd end up looking around for a compressed air hose to blow out the entire thing

whats wrong with your desktop ncff
I am so happy that it's Friday. I have Monday off so it's a long weekend for me. I have been making cookies for two days. It's the first time I have made them with my own dough.
Yes, it has been unusually warm. If I am correct Fayetteville is set to get the first blast of cold air tomorrow and ours will come Sunday and Sunday night.

Im really enjoying these 60 degree days!:cool2:

Yep, I am so ready for spring!! I loved the weather the last few days..I even broke out the flip flops..I hate tennis
Its been a rather pleasant week to to walk around and look for work, that's one good thing about this week. :lol:

But I fear that we've not seen the nastiest part of winter yet.
I am so happy that it's Friday. I have Monday off so it's a long weekend for me. I have been making cookies for two days. It's the first time I have made them with my own dough.

Beautiful job on the cookies, sarasf.
Yea it's just now Feb. and winter usually lasts through april..I hope it's done now..
I am so happy that it's Friday. I have Monday off so it's a long weekend for me. I have been making cookies for two days. It's the first time I have made them with my own dough.

those look good! if that kind of cookie were in front of me theyd rename me to the cookie monster!!! yummy!
Yea it's just now Feb. and winter usually lasts through april..I hope it's done now..

We dont usually see highs in the 60s until mid April, but lordy by the end of May we are BAKING!
We dont usually see highs in the 60s until mid April, but lordy by the end of May we are BAKING!

its been in the 60s in the daytime the past 4 days here.
Yes but N. Carolina has a similar ecosystem and climate as Arkansas, so I can expect that.
I am so happy that it's Friday. I have Monday off so it's a long weekend for me. I have been making cookies for two days. It's the first time I have made them with my own dough.

Those look really good to eat.. How long does it take you to make a batch from scratch?
kinda.. yall have bigger skeeters than we do!
naisho.... Would You Like To Take A Survey?!?!?!
Last summer wasn't too terribly bad..I think we only hit 100 like three times

No, it wasn't but I wasn't out in it much as I spent the majority of my time working at Petit Jean Poultry in D-ville, or in the house. I dont the summer really bothered me that much because I bought my first AIR CONDITIONED vehicle last May. OMG it felt nice to not be sweaty and stinky just to drive 10 minutes in 100 degree heat or having to peel myself from the car seat.

I can remember back when I had my old vehicle I would not drive anywhere in the summer. It just was not pleasant at all.
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