The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Would it bother anyone if I share about the headstone we ordered for our daughter? I'm really proud of it and think it's going to be beautiful. But some people I've shared it with get upset even though I'm very happy about it and excited

not at all! sharing such traumatic tragic with somebody is a courageous healing process.

BTW - I don't think I've ever seen such a thoughtful headstone like yours. Most I have seen were pretty much standard "R.I.P." and DOB-DOD (date of death). How cold that is....
Thank you. :) we wanted something very unique that would make people stop and think 'wow what a remembrance' the ship is the Flying Dutchman.

In other news. I finally got to bed at 1 and now it's 5 am and I'm wide awake. We've got literally nothing to drink in the house and I'm hoping my neighbor wakes up soon so I can go to her house and snitch some pop lol. Raeden will be up about 6 am and Freja about 9.

Today my sinus's are full and my head hurts and my ears are ringing. Never a good sign of a good day. Going to take a deep breath and grin and bear it. The girls will want to go outside today because it's 50
you have no water at home? I mean... tap water.
good morning everyone,

my neighbor told me that the sun is shining for the 4th day in a row, so that has definitely lifted my spirits. yesterday's headache is gone and the vicodin is working like charm this morning on my cts. life is good. :cool2:

i'm totally blind and can't see the picture of calypso's headstone. would you mind describing it for me please? thanks. (by the way, i think calypso is a beautiful name. :D)

i'm totally blind and can't see the picture of calypso's headstone. would you mind describing it for me please? thanks. (by the way, i think calypso is a beautiful name. :D)

I'm sure you know what headstone looks like. On top - it says on 3 lines -
In Fondest Memory of
Calypso Paikea Rhyder

and then in the middle is the etching of this beautiful picture. It's a beautiful old picture of old huge, wooden ship from some 1800's braving thru stormy sea. Its rear end is deep in the sea and its front is pointing up the sky but it's still braving thru the turbulent sea. I usually call this famous scene as "The White Squall"

below the etching says - "Sunrise - June 14, 2007.... and Sunset - July 7, 2007"

the next 4 line says -
I can still hear your voice on the trade winds
I can still taste your tears on the foam
But the lure of the tide that I'm feeling inside
will not rest till my heart finds its home
I'm sure you know what headstone looks like. On top - it says on 3 lines -
In Fondest Memory of
Calypso Paikea Rhyder

and then in the middle is the etching of this beautiful picture. It's a beautiful old picture of old huge, wooden ship from some 1800's braving thru stormy sea. Its rear end is deep in the sea and its front is pointing up the sky but it's still braving thru the turbulent sea. I usually call this famous scene as "The White Squall"

below the etching says - "Sunrise - June 14, 2007.... and Sunset - July 7, 2007"

the next 4 line says -
I can still hear your voice on the trade winds
I can still taste your tears on the foam
But the lure of the tide that I'm feeling inside
will not rest till my heart finds its home

:ty: for the description, jiro. now i'm tearing up. that's beautiful. :angel:
good morning everyone,

my neighbor told me that the sun is shining for the 4th day in a row, so that has definitely lifted my spirits. yesterday's headache is gone and the vicodin is working like charm this morning on my cts. life is good. :cool2:

Yay! I'm glad for you.
I'm sure you know what headstone looks like. On top - it says on 3 lines -
In Fondest Memory of
Calypso Paikea Rhyder

and then in the middle is the etching of this beautiful picture. It's a beautiful old picture of old huge, wooden ship from some 1800's braving thru stormy sea. Its rear end is deep in the sea and its front is pointing up the sky but it's still braving thru the turbulent sea. I usually call this famous scene as "The White Squall"

below the etching says - "Sunrise - June 14, 2007.... and Sunset - July 7, 2007"

the next 4 line says -
I can still hear your voice on the trade winds
I can still taste your tears on the foam
But the lure of the tide that I'm feeling inside
will not rest till my heart finds its home

Thank you for the description.

That is so sad, and so sweet.
Hello everyone! I'm awake again. I took some sudafed for a sinus headache but omg it knocked me flat out. My girls are playing Hi Ho Cherry-O right now

Hear-Again Jiro explained the headstone to you perfectly. We're not 100% sure but we're probably going to get a photo of Calypso to put on the stone too probably a ceramic ones that they have in old cemeteries. They last a long time

adding a photo of calypso would be a wonderful finishing touch. :)
i just got off of a bipolar message board i participate on in which one of the threads is entitled, "the song you are listening to." the thread is 4 pages long and every time i posted, i indicated that i was listening to some kind of 80s music. someone just posted a few minutes ago and insulted my tastes by saying that they were surprised i didn't "rapid cycle to avoid listening to that sh*t." i thought this was hilarious and replied, "actually, no i don't. the genres that make me rapid cycle are disco and opera." one thing is for sure. i'm getting better at tolerating people's ignorant comments. at the very least, they're always worth a good laugh. :laugh2:
it's amazing how many people on that bipolar message board i mentioned listen to current music. i could easily insult them, but i don't. i'm of the opinion that whatever a person likes is cool by me as long as i don't have to listen to it. :cool2:
LOL I'm odd I listen to some new stuff, 80s stuff, 70s, 60s, stuff from Japan, Moldavia, Iceland, Germany, ext. I have very eclectic tastes LOL.

Right no we're eating lunch and watching Monster House here in my house. I've decided I'll just narrate my day to you all LOL
Monster House is a movie about a possessed house that eats people lol. There are 3 kids that are trying to tell everyone and no one is listening. So they are going to have to destroy the house by going into it
Monster House is a movie about a possessed house that eats people lol. There are 3 kids that are trying to tell everyone and no one is listening. So they are going to have to destroy the house by going into it

:laugh2: what year was this movie released?
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