The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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good idea.. i'm gonna hit the shower now :cool2: btw - since your post said that you can hear... are you hearing? and what other disability you have?

My medical charts still say that I'm deaf, but I can hear speech with my hearing aids, especially if I can see the face of the speaker. Helps if I can see the neck too. That's probably weird, but I swear it's true!

Um, I have Celiac Disease and Meniere's Disease, and some strange thing wrong with my GI tract that's got my GI doc scratching his head. I'm on a special diet for those three conditions. Aside from not being able to understand speech over speakers or phones (one might argue that's a speaker :giggle:) and my being unstable on my feet or driving a clutch, I don't think there's anything else that's ever been classified as a disability.
My medical charts still say that I'm deaf, but I can hear speech with my hearing aids, especially if I can see the face of the speaker. Helps if I can see the neck too. That's probably weird, but I swear it's true!

Um, I have Celiac Disease and Meniere's Disease, and some strange thing wrong with my GI tract that's got my GI doc scratching his head. I'm on a special diet for those three conditions. Aside from not being able to understand speech over speakers or phones (one might argue that's a speaker :giggle:) and my being unstable on my feet or driving a clutch, I don't think there's anything else that's ever been classified as a disability.

ah gotcha. oh my... what a boatload of medical problems you have. I have no idea what those are and I have to look it up. From what I read online.... You have mostly digestive-related medical problem and plus hearing problem. Your GI tract thing... perhaps Crohn's disease??
ah gotcha. oh my... what a boatload of medical problems you have. I have no idea what those are and I have to look it up. From what I read online.... You have mostly digestive-related medical problem and plus hearing problem. Your GI tract thing... perhaps Crohn's disease??

For a while, they were saying Crohn's Disease, but they aren't sure of that diagnosis. That doesn't explain any of the chronic pain.

I'm in bed right now, so if I fall asleep, I'll pick up tomorrow. And I do feel like I'll be falling asleep any minute :giggle:
For a while, they were saying Crohn's Disease, but they aren't sure of that diagnosis. That doesn't explain any of the chronic pain.

I'm in bed right now, so if I fall asleep, I'll pick up tomorrow. And I do feel like I'll be falling asleep any minute :giggle:

have a good sleep! :wave:
For a while, they were saying Crohn's Disease, but they aren't sure of that diagnosis. That doesn't explain any of the chronic pain.

I'm in bed right now, so if I fall asleep, I'll pick up tomorrow. And I do feel like I'll be falling asleep any minute :giggle:

oe of my sisters has chron's dsease and is in pain 95% ofthe tme.

yu acn understand speech with your hearing aids? i didn'tknow tht/
Physical .. but I just saw a commercial about an anti-depressant that said depression can manifest itself in the form of physical pain, which might explain why my doctors are unable to find the source of my pain. So I'm not sure. :hmm:

ye, this is true. deprssion can cause join t pain, muscle weakness, headaches ad tiredness to namea few.
Physical .. but I just saw a commercial about an anti-depressant that said depression can manifest itself in the form of physical pain, which might explain why my doctors are unable to find the source of my pain. So I'm not sure. :hmm:

it's [possible that you could also have fibromyalgia..
my left hnd still hurtslike crazy. sihg. looks like more one hnded typing for m e tody./ i'm ging to fnd out if i can see my dpctor tody and see if she can gve
m e some vicodin.
my left hnd still hurtslike crazy. sihg. looks like more one hnded typing for m e tody./

stop using your left hand :mad2: are you typing on regular keyboard?
i'm getting so sck and tired of the pain i 'm starting to feel deprssed.
i'm not using my lect hand. i'm ying with my right hand. i'm lso using a standrd keyboard.

ok good. now strictly obey me to the letter - do not use your left hand until it gets better. :mad2: it's better than amputation, right?
i'm getting so sck and tired of the pain i 'm starting to feel deprssed.

i think it's because you didn't sleep enough. i was surprised that you're up already. you might be feeling groggy!
i think it's because you didn't sleep enough. i was surprised that you're up already. you might be feeling groggy!

no,i'm not in pain because of sleep. i slept fne and am not rtired right now. i dont kno.. maybe i'm manic. not s ure...
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