The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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I will give it a shot and hope for the best..I have to get sleep some how
Secretblend's info is wrong because, because, because.. it isn't from the official mythbusters, it's some bogus site that says its their results! It says at the bottom This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Discovery Channel.

HA is wrong also because you know you ate more ice cream than you should've today!! Nothing will overcome nor redeem you here except if you can prove that you get jillio's pardon that it is her fault.

OMG you guys. If you want to prove that theory wrong you're gonna have to come up with more than that!

well guys i'm going to call it a night becaue i an barely keep my eyes opn and my trazodone is taking full effect rihgt now . i'll takl to you all tomorrow unless i can't sleep and check in agn tonight. adios!
well guys i'm going to call it a night becaue i an barely keep my eyes opn and my trazodone is taking full effect rihgt now . i'll takl to you all tomorrow unless i can't sleep and check in agn tonight. adios!

jillio will never admit taht it was her fault that i bouht ben and jerry's tody. she'll just say that i had the choice to go to the store and buy it or myself. lol.
naisho's post = ZOMG! BUSTED!
I knew it.... there's something fishy about Willy Wonka....
Secretblend's info is wrong because, because, because.. it isn't from the official mythbusters, it's some bogus site that says its their results! It says at the bottom This website is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Discovery Channel.

HA is wrong also because you know you ate more ice cream than you should've today!! Nothing will overcome nor redeem you here except if you can prove that you get jillio's pardon that it is her fault.

OMG you guys. If you want to prove that theory wrong you're gonna have to come up with more than that!


Aahh! I should have read it in full. Good catch there!
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