The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Soil Components
humus 200 CEC (cmol/kilograms)
vermiculite 150 CEC (cmol/kilograms)
smectites 100 CEC (cmol/kilograms)
illite 30 CEC (cmol/kilograms)
chlorite 30 CEC (cmol/kilograms)
kaolinite 8 CEC (cmol/kilograms)
Fe, Al oxides 4 CEC (cmol/kilograms)

that doesn't sound good... blegh!

* HUMUS is the end product of the decomposition of organic matter.
It is a complex substance consisting of material either modified from dead plant tissue or synthesized by soil organisms.
did you know duck's quack cannot create an echo?

actually, that is untrue. there are difernt kinds of ducks that produce dufferent kinds of quacks. female ducks quack diferntly than male ducks. the fact taht a duck's quack doesn't crete an echo is an internet myth. jiro my friend, you
h ave been owned. lol.

you might want to ask your dptor for a difernt sleep med. it semes unsual that it would take 3 and a half hours before it helps you sleep.. when i take my lower dosage of traozdone, i'm out in 20 minutes. when i take my higher trazdone dosge prn whjen i'm manic or can't sleep, it knocks me out in 3 minutes. .

I have traozdone too..I just forgot why it was giving to me so I don't take it

I also have Klopin

I take Lunesta for my sleep and Lexapro for depression
trazodone and klonopin are sleep meds. perahps your doctpr gave them to you for sleep. i take 100mg of trazodone (low dosage) when i'm feeling level and 300mg (high dosage) when i'm feeling manic or cn't sleep..
actually, that is untrue. there are difernt kinds of ducks that produce dufferent kinds of quacks. female ducks quack diferntly than male ducks. the fact taht a duck's quack doesn't crete an echo is an internet myth. jiro my friend, you
h ave been owned. lol.

ask my exwife to demonstrate for you. shes the biggest quacker ive ever met!
trazodone and klonopin are sleep meds. perahps your doctpr gave them to you for sleep. i take 100mg of trazodone (low dosage) when i'm feeling level and 300mg (high dosage) when i'm feeling manic or cn't sleep..

the Klonopin was giving to me for anxity..I don't think I can take anything else since I've gotta be up at 6am
oh and jiro? if you don't believe mea bout a duck's quack not creating an echo being an inerpnet myth, check
the Klonopin was giving to me for anxity..I don't think I can take anything else since I've gotta be up at 6am

some people take klonopin for sleep. do you have any of your tradozone left? perhaps you can take tht.
oh and jiro? if you don't believe mea bout a duck's quack not creating an echo being an inerpnet myth, check

Science 'quacks' urban duck myth
LONDON, England -- A British study has debunked an urban myth -- that a duck's quack does not echo.

A farmyard duck called Daisy was at the center of the acoustic research, carried out at the University of Salford in Greater Manchester, north-west England.

Acoustic expert Trevor Cox tested the popular myth -- often the subject of television quiz shows and Internet chat rooms -- by first recording Daisy's quack in a special chamber with jagged surfaces that produces no sound reflections.

She was then moved to a reverberation chamber with cathedral-like acoustics before the data was used to create simulations of Daisy performing at the Royal Albert Hall and quacking as she flew past a cliff face.

The tests revealed that a duck's quack definitely echoes, just like any other sound, but perhaps not as noticeably.

"A duck quacks rather quietly, so the sound coming back is at a low level and might not be heard," Cox told the UK Press Association.

"Also, a quack is a fading sound. It has a gradual decay, so it's hard to tell the difference between the actual quack and the echo. That's especially true if you haven't previously heard what it sounds like with no reflections."

He said ducks were normally found in open-water areas and didn't usually congregate around echoey cliffs, which may have fueled the theory that their quacks don't produce an echo.

"You get a bit of reverberation -- it's distinctly echoey," Cox said.

The research was being discussed Monday at the British Association Festival of Science at the University of Salford.
some people take klonopin for sleep. do you have any of your tradozone left? perhaps you can take tht.

I take 3mg of Lunesta (sleeping)
20mg of Lexapro (depress)
.5mg of klonopin (anxity)
I have 100mg of trazodone
if i were you lri, i'd take the traodone becaue at 100mg it's guaranteed to knock you out in 20 minuts. trazodone kicks the pants off of lunesta.
tarzodone also kicks the pants off of ambien cr. one time i couldn't sleep for 2 nights and the only choice i had was to see my dpctor because i didn't have a prescriptiin for a sleep meda tthe time for my bipolar. once i started taking trazdone, it rally made a differnce in my ability to sleep -- although when i'm manic, 100mg doesn't do the job. i need to take 300mg instad.
Screw you guys! I raise the :bsflag:
who are you to say that's wrong!?!
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