The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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i took those but it take took too long.

i inow. same here, so i don't atke anything for the pain, psychiatral therpay seems to be the on;y thing that hapls to some xtent, but io'm seriusly considering suergery because i dcan't stand this anymre.
i inow. same here, so i don't atke anything for the pain, psychiatral therpay seems to be the on;y thing that hapls to some xtent, but io'm seriusly considering suergery because i dcan't stand this anymre.

there you go, i dont tolerate it for long period of time.
This is actually an amusing challenge interpreting your typing :giggle: So far, I've been able to figure out what you're saying! :)

I have to admit, I'm beginning to second-guess my decision to skip my pain meds, but I'll stick it out a bit longer and see if it gets better. I feel like pressure surrounding my head and trying to compress it. Maybe I'm getting a cold. I did compromise my immune system walking home when my car broke down the other day.

i'm gald ypu're abl e to deciphre my typng lol. hoeefully when i have pshysical thepray this week it will help them pain somwhat so that i can type more acurratly.

it sounds likeyou muy be gettinga head cold. haeyou taken any benardry; for it? that might hepl prevent the cold befre it setarts.
i inow. same here, so i don't atke anything for the pain, psychiatral therpay seems to be the on;y thing that hapls to some xtent, but io'm seriusly considering suergery because i dcan't stand this anymre.

my exwifes mother had the surgery for that and it helped her alot. took some PT for awhile after the surgery but in the long run she was glad she had it done.
my exwifes mother had the surgery for that and it helped her alot. took some PT for awhile after the surgery but in the long run she was glad she had it done.

i was oppsed to surgery before, but now thati'm in alot pf ian, i tink i'm going to do it. afterall, i dont ahve anything to lose.

does anoyne know if windows has a speclchecker so that i an edit my typoing without dpong it by hand leter bt lettrer/
I just woke up 30 min ago and it's 6:30pm. :mad2: I have slept for.... 15 hours! :mad2:
i'm gald ypu're abl e to deciphre my typng lol. hoeefully when i have pshysical thepray this week it will help them pain somwhat so that i can type more acurratly.

it sounds likeyou muy be gettinga head cold. haeyou taken any benardry; for it? that might hepl prevent the cold befre it setarts.

Ooooh, I didn't know benedryl might prevent the cold! I'll take some right away :)
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