The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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'm doing well omdd-wise with my bipolar, but my crs is boterhing me. i'm typing one handed.. today. can't wait for physical thepy next week so i can reduce the pain or for my neurologuirst appiontment next week to dsucuss my otpins for cts surgery. how are you tpday/

'm doing well omdd-wise with my bipolar, but my crs is boterhing me. i'm typing one handed.. today. can't wait for physical thepy next week so i can reduce the pain or for my neurologuirst appiontment next week to dsucuss my otpins for cts surgery. how are you tpday/

ahh that not good, hoping goes well, i know how type in one hand while baby on another hand. lol then i have my typos. so i hope things go well for you. :wave:
ahh that not good, hoping goes well, i know how type in one hand while baby on another hand. lol then i have my typos. so i hope things go well for you. :wave:

tahnks, meg! i an't wait for psyhcial theapiy this week. hopefully it will hel[ some of the pan go away. it suaully does, but i'm also seriously condiring surgery because the painf us just getting to be toomuch.
i knpw how you feel minys. that's exaclt y ow i felt when i started on my bipolar medsa ndd most recently my antidpressant. i no longer feel tahtway, but i cn underttand the reason why you prefer ot to take your med. by rhe ay, my mood stabilizer and atipsychotic also affect my thinking. i have terrible short term ,emory beause of them.
tahnks, meg! i an't wait for psyhcial theapiy this week. hopefully it will hel[ some of the pan go away. it suaully does, but i'm also seriously condiring surgery because the painf us just getting to be toomuch.

get painkiller?
Have you tried heat therapy? I tried that about 10-12 years ago when I was developing CTS in my right wrist. I went to see a PT and they would fasten these "electrodes" on my wrist and apply intense heat - almost to the point where it was burning, but not quite. I never had any burn marks. But it did relax the muscles and after about 6 weeks of that, I was as good as new. The heat therapy took it a long ways.
i knpw how you feel minys. that's exaclt y ow i felt when i started on my bipolar medsa ndd most recently my antidpressant. i no longer feel tahtway, but i cn underttand the reason why you prefer ot to take your med. by rhe ay, my mood stabilizer and atipsychotic also affect my thinking. i have terrible short term ,emory beause of them.

This is actually an amusing challenge interpreting your typing :giggle: So far, I've been able to figure out what you're saying! :)

I have to admit, I'm beginning to second-guess my decision to skip my pain meds, but I'll stick it out a bit longer and see if it gets better. I feel like pressure surrounding my head and trying to compress it. Maybe I'm getting a cold. I did compromise my immune system walking home when my car broke down the other day.
see they scared everyone off!
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