Really? lemme guess - petty stuff like assault, robbery, and such. Any murder-related trial?
I merely corrected your assumption that I do not care for life being executed. I used the concept of banning gun just because it kills people is silly just as much as banning death penalty just because of risk of executing innocents when there has been 0 wrongfully-executed since 1900s (or 96% success rate based on ACLU statistic). I'm sorry but the law doesn't mostly operate on emotions. We need hard facts, hard statistic, hard studies to decide on laws that is fair for all. You certainly don't want right-wingers to make laws for all. I certainly don't want left-wingers to make laws for all either!
Interesting... But I'm sorry to say it's not the assessment you're making. It's the judgment. I think your professor would scold you for that. I believe I stated previously in #366 that my life experience and knowledge have taught me to be strong and have common sense with logic. I've seen all ugly stuff that no child should witness.
and yes I am overly confident in my knowledge that I am open to all and will agree with any argument that makes most sense to me. At first long time ago, I believed gay life is morally wrong but as I listened and talked with gay people, I quickly accepted them. I support them in every way - gay marriage rights, legal rights, etc.
hmmmm..... Judge Scalia (Harvard Law School and Roman Catholic), Reba, and I have exactly same view. Considering Judge Scalia has far more experience and qualification in this matter than both of you and I combined... and yet he has same view as Reba and mine. Interesting... Interesting... so you're saying we're dumbass and ignorant? and that our ethics are of sub-human? and you basically believe you're on high horse following behind God on Crusader Mission? and you believe you are right in every way? I don't know about you but I think anybody with psychology degree would believe you are delusional and have a distorted view of the world.
Do you know why I am flexible in what I believe in? Think about back in 1900s where white people STRONGLY believed black people were TRULY inferior - scientifically and genetically. and they strongly believed blacks were Devil's creatures out to rape their women and eat them. Think about back in 1500s where Europeans strongly believed it was God's duty to colonize the world and to enslave the inferior natives. Heck! in old time, they believed women should be a GOOD WIFE and stay in kitchen and bed which you would be doing if Women's Rights weren't recognized! Boy! were they so wrong!!!
Are you saying your ethics are better than us - or in fact you are closer to God? In my opinion, I think my ethic makes better sense than yours.
Scenario 1
Oh no.... poor deer... laying on the street, all messed up from getting hit by a car, dying. What should I do? What should I do?"
your "ethic" - you call 911 and hope for best even though deer is FUBAR
my "ethic" - I mercifully end his agony and let the God takes care of him and scoot him over to forest (been there twice

Scenario 2
A dying patient with terminal cancer is in extreme agony and no amount of morphine can relieve him of pain. He begged you to end his life because he can't take the pain anymore."
your "ethic" - no! don't take easy way out! duke it out!
my "ethic" - may the God be with you and I mercifully end his agony
Scenario 3
"John Doe was charged with brutally raping and murdering 2 women. He escaped the prison and killed 1 person to take his car. Now he got caught and he's back on trial again for that person he recently murdered."
your "ethic" - Not Guilty because I do not believe in death penalty
my "ethic" - GUILTY! GUILTY!
I am
done with Jillio. 16 pages so far and still
no statistic/studies/etc. Only your "principle" and "ethics." I'll resume debate once you have given me that.
I suppose you're one of those people with such silly rigid view. Maybe you should stop being over-educated behind papers & books and start being over-experienced with the world?
well I'm going to take your advice to go to library (not to read your cites

) so I can finally start studying for my final exam

BTW - Jillio, I don't hate you but I enjoy debating and exchanging our ideals/beliefs/etc to hopefully come to mutual agreement. My family gets sick of debating convo so I guess that's why I have my own dinner table....
