Perhaps you should come live in city all your life. Based on what I read about you, seems like you're one of those moms who want to build Great Wall of China around your children. It's too dangerous to drive. It's too dangerous to walk at night. Public schools' full of ugly bullies and pervert teachers. I don't mean to insult you but you did it first. If you wish to shield your children from the world, that's fine. My life experience and knowledge have taught me to be strong and have common sense with logic. I've seen all ugly stuff that no children should witness. I've traveled to foreign nations including Europe and Asia where some area are so pissant poor that they'll kill you just for 1 spoon of rice. My next trip is to South Africa or perhaps couple of dangerous countries in South America. Just need to save up money!
PSYCH 101 and 102

I'm a college grad (in 2 weeks) with extensive background in IT, geography, math, and demography. and a bit of it in political science and humanity. took me 6 years and I'm old enough to be freshman student's uncle.....

I gain my insight and experience based on lengthy discussions with brilliant people like professors, experts, and fellow colleagues. That is how my political view became Centrist. You lean far left and there are others who lean far right (the one who believes gays are corrupting the youth and should hang people). I listen to both side and come up with my own which is in the middle that both side has to compromises. You say you want to ban death penalty because it's against your moral and such. Other said they want to keep it for vengeance. My side? Keep it. why? because there has been NO EVIDENCE that we have wrongfully-executed an innocent. As far as I'm concerned, handful of wrongfully-convicted on death rows have been exonerated. Shit happens but that doesn't mean we should abolish it completely. Why don't we abolish cars too? It caused global warming and it kills more people than guns and death penalty combined!! Our world will come to doom in 2020 if we keep up with this rate. we all will be flooded to death!!! Silly, right? How do we come to agreement? We keep the car and improve our mileage or improve our driving habits.
I merely quoted what FBI Special Agent John P. Skillestead said - "
a lot of people don't realize that there's a lot of people doing this work day in and day out, killing an estimated 14,000 people a year, most serial killers are 'normal' and have very high intelligence levels."
so why should I believe you more than him? unless... your psychology background is in criminology or something related or you have testified at court relating to criminal psychology.
LOL yea. I did not say it's a valid research and support for my argument. Just something to watch. I find it hilarious too but the video was quite appalling. It might give you a different perspective. It's certainly better than a psychologist who studied and come up with theories but has never seen or experienced the elements in real life.
I've analyzed the
FBI data and I looked at their criteria. It's within acceptable range so I use it. For example - what falls under violent crime are four offenses: murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. I used the data limited to murder and manslaughters. I also compiled the data of murder/manslaughter to each state with no death penalty and state with death penalty. I explained that it is misleading to say states w/ no death penalty have less crimes than states w/ death penalty because the states with death penalty have much greater population density and have highly populated urban areas. Does that satisfy you?
That's why I don't use source from it. Wiki is just a good place to begin but it's not my main support. I use data from agencies and I also used data from non-profit organizations like ACLU and Amnesty International so I can determine the +/- error rate and such.