I don't want to derail your point here.
But, I want to make a point on the flip side. I have a friend who is profoundly deaf and grew up oral only. She was taught to speak and is completely immersed in the hearing world. She wore HA's up until she was in her early 20s when she was pressured into getting a CI. She caved to the pressure and got it. It nearly killed her due to meningitis. That aside....
Here is a woman who finally learned ASL as an adult, but has to use Sim-Com because she grew up in an oral environment. She is truly caught between both worlds. To her credit, she never complains. As her friend and knowing her like I do (for 9 yrs now), I find it SAD that she has had to fight to assert her identity as a deaf person. SHE IS deaf; yet the people around her consider her deafness a nuisance. There have been people in her life who have tried to force her into being something she's not....hearing.
I admire her greatly for putting up with the crap with the grace that she does. She does the eye roll. She just lets certain people

on and on, and goes on about her business.
But, really? Here's what I don't get... WHY do the hearing force this on the deaf? To me, it's unnatural (and not to mention cruel to force a child with an HA to speech read people during all their waking hrs).
I will admit that she has told me that since she has gotten her CI, it has made speech reading easier, but she still needs to speech read. She does NOT understand speech at all unless she does. She also is realiant on sound. She needs it. Incidently, she had decent residiual hearing, so there really was no NEED for her to get the CI, but, like I said... People forced it upon her.