The Americans

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You might have a point but that is for another thread, right? Let's stick to the spirit and intent of what Reba posted.
I agree with you here. Let stick to this topic.
I do agree that there is a "certain someone" who keeps posting topics that makes the rest of us wonder if s/he is trying to belittle or be condescending.

I found the article flattering and most fitting for the American world view. We have a greater amount of resources than most countries with a determined spirit unmatched. I applaud Reba's intent.

The article, on the other hand, is misinformed.
Remember, it was 1973, and the world situation was different then. (I'm sure not that many ADers were alive much less old enough to remember 1973, heh, heh. :P )
Remember, it was 1973, and the world situation was different then. (I'm sure not that many ADers were alive much less old enough to remember 1973, heh, heh. :P )

what about Chase? (not to say he's THAT old :giggle:)
Hey, man, I, too, am right up there with Chase! Btw, where IS that guy?

:hmm: we need to commence a joint Search-and-Rescue operation with Canadians and Germans ;) to locate Chase.
I'll take one of those Canadian canoes they so generously gave us.
oh I love these jokes that we make fun of Canucks... :P


well well well.....
Despite Economic Dip, Giving Rose in 2007

Americans donated $306 billion to charities in 2007, as U.S. philanthropic giving rose to a record level despite a downturn in the national economy, a survey being released today has found.

can any other country TOP that?
Wokamuka, :ty: for share your experience post. I like your word "My proof is my experience".

I unds but it bothers me sometime when we think we are better than other countries. We should be fortunely to be able to help them many time over again and again but not to brag about it.

Yes I second that.

Receive kind word and support offer from many foreign countries including America is mainly matter to me than try to contest who is number one in the world.
well well well.....
Despite Economic Dip, Giving Rose in 2007

Americans donated $306 billion to charities in 2007, as U.S. philanthropic giving rose to a record level despite a downturn in the national economy, a survey being released today has found.

can any other country TOP that?

You should take your country to other country or countries to work out the amount and size of population and also the economic situation as well to compare with.
The Americans who were against slavery in colonial times had the support of the Canadians in the Underground Railroad system. The Canadians were brave and played a pivotial role in that. They could have risked a big war from US if the Confeds won the Civil War instead of the Union soldiers.

America has always put on a strong face when helping other countries, but it's good to see other countries helping us in our need. I'm sure a lot of aid from other countries to USA go unreported.
Ok, look.

Before I start, I will say I am not taking either side.

And while I feel for the person who wrote this, and their sentiments, it smells of propaganda.

I do not believe the US has gone completely unaided.
I think what aid there was, was simply not done as 'a big production', like we tend to do things. A lot of things probably were not plastered all over the news either, like the US also tends to do.

Does what other countries did balance with what the US did? Who knows.
Does it really matter? I am not sure that it does.
Jenni, there are sentiments in Europe about America that stink of propaganda too. There are some Europeans who only see the bad side of USA, and that does annoy me as much as the propaganda in USA does. It goes both ways.

Man, we just have to be real about what doesn't work and what needs to be fixed or replaced... and be proud of the good things that do work for us. That's all.
I do remember getting a lot of aid and compassion from other countries for 9/11, and the author of that article forgot that.
Jenni, there are sentiments in Europe about America that stink of propaganda too. There are some Europeans who only see the bad side of USA, and that does annoy me as much as the propaganda in USA does. It goes both ways.

Man, we just have to be real about what doesn't work and what needs to be fixed or replaced... and be proud of the good things that do work for us. That's all.

Oh, I know, definitely.
Can we really stop them? Not quite, we can try, but short of invasion and forcing it to stop at gunpoint, there's nothing to do there but talk to each other.

In the USA though, it matters more to the citizens of the US, what propaganda is spread from here. We need to look at ourselves first, because we have more power over what we do than we have over other countries. My policy is "ground up", we need to look AT HOME first, THEN elsewhere, if necessary.
I do remember getting a lot of aid and compassion from other countries for 9/11, and the author of that article forgot that.

*nodding sadly and :ty: for remember*

It annoys me after read the article for a first time but I choose to say nothing about article but gave someone right about foreign countries in my first post.

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