Tell us something about yourself?

I like learning things about people. I just learned a lot in just the last few posts alone!

(and TXgolfer, I am so jealous that you get cookies and elevator-distance to a bar !!! :lol:)
Wirelessly posted

TXgolfer said:
Oceanblue7, what sort of products do you purchase from Arbonne?

Bebonang, I like to do puzzles but like you, I don't have time for it. :)

TXgolfer, did you misplace your bed or something?

It's still in Texas. :lol:

I am still Hoteling it here. Totally redoing the new house.

I thought you moved to California?
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Bet ya'll didnt know this. I own two cars.

Want to know me more search ask sequoias anything in alldeaf buried somewhere.
I found out last night I am apparently allergic to capsaicin. That's the stuff in hot peppers and also in skin cream for sore joints.


Both are on my back. One is a blah blah blah boring heart and rose and barbed wire, the other a black panther. The panther one is in the most ticklish spot of my back so getting that one was half sheer ticklish torture, the other half just ... Well, nothing :lol:
Wirelessly posted

Bottesini said:
I found out last night I am apparently allergic to capsaicin. That's the stuff in hot peppers and also in skin cream for sore joints.


I learned something didn't know it was found in hot peppers.

I am allergic to cocoa butter, it gives me a skin rash.
I can only assume it's a higher one. I think I don't even fall into a tax bracket despite working two jobs. :|

I am bi-polar and having a freaky ass mental episode. This shit can't be good. Damn I gotta get some insurance that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.