Tell us something about yourself?

What I enjoy the most is reading and writing. I was born in Havana. Before two years of age my family fled Castro's dictatorship. This May is marked as our 41st years living down here in Miami, Florida. When I young music was my life - rock music. I was a top notch bass guitar player. Those days are long gone but the memories are still fresh in my mind. I had a ball as a youth. Lived life to the fullest,

Today I am disabled with Bipolar Disorder so I am limited (a lot - my illness is on the real bad side) because of my Bipolar Disorder. I have a college degree, I could communicate in three language. I am single (who wants a Bipolar partner girls?? I thought not). My dad died last year. I have an older brother. All my friends are married with kids so I spend little time with them.


Why not? You can have my hearie best friend, she has bipolar since she was 16. If you want to know more info, ask me away! =)
I'm biggest fan of Anne Rice novels, have a dirty sense of humor, can't live without unsweetened Iced Tea drinks, have this huge crush on Trent Reznor...nah, not really, after all he's already married and has a baby. LOL
Anne Rice has a pseudonym, but I can't remember what it is offhand. I read one of a series of three books about Sleeping Beauty that are adult-themed. Perhaps you have heard of them.
Of course you probably all know that. No comments means good news, no? :lol:
I used to be a rodeo bullrider with the FCA. I am a volunteer with my State's Public Service Commission. I am a jack of all trades master of several. I used to do disaster recovery construction work. I like camping and gold panning and exploring abandoned mines. I enjoy restoring antique motorcycles. I grow my own vegetables. I was an English Creative Writing Major, Communications double major and minor in German Communication. I have a severe hearing loss in both ears (and have since I was 4). My father is deaf. My neice is HoH and so is my sister. I am the only one in my family fluent in ASL.

I have done volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity. I used to teach English to foreign deaf students with no proficiency in ASL. I was selected for a Secret Service Tour of the White House and got to meet Laura Bush. I have travelled extensively in Central America and Europe. I was invited to attend the Family Reunion of the Al-Obaid tribe in Saudi Arabia near the Red Sea. I helped a deaf refugee from Liberia become a US citizen.

I am sure the list will continue .. memory gets fuzzy

:shock: Ok, I'm impressed.
1. I'm a closet Goth. Yes, with the whole get-up of black lipstick and clothes. Check out my fav website:
2. I love miniature pot-bellied pigs - especially pink ones. If I get one for a pet, I'll name it Hamlet.
3. I'm a Shakespeare freak.
4. I'm even more of a Jesus Freak. I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was ten years old.
5. I'm profoundly Deaf.
6. I secretly want to be in a punk rock band, playing all of the instruments- what a great way to release stress after a long hard day at work.
7. I'm an English teacher at a deaf school.
8. I'm very blessed to have awesome kids.
9. I am banned for life from all AGBell Association's events and conferences
10. I have shot people before...they deserved it.
11. I used to work in federal law enforcement (and hated it).
12. I'm a Christian, but I do cuss like a sailor. :/ That's my #1 vice. Shit.
13. I've had more pets as a kid than any zoo in the world. Should I start naming them? Shakespeare, Milkshake, Punkie, Tynelol, Advil, Midol, ok...I'll stop.
14. I love gourment cooking.
15. I'm addicted to scrapbooking and Pampered Chef.
16. And chocolate. Mmmmm.
17. I have been in all 50 states of the United States.
18. I hate the sight of raw grounded beef.
19. I own a pink Harley, painted with white daisies.
20. I'm terrified of clowns, mime artists, and jack-in-the-boxes.
21. I own a voodoo doll.
22. I used to be a Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) and terped for John Michael Montgomery, among others.
23. I take "pinky promises" very seriously.
24. I love cold pizza for breakfast.
25. I was a millionare for one day, before I gave it all to charity.
26. My naive mother used my vibrator that she found to mash potatoes because she thought it was a modern-day potato masher.
27. I was rescued from being stuck inside a dumpster.
28. I told President Bush that he was an idiot - to his face.
29. I had a full ride to Harvard but never attended.
30. I want to grow plants but they die the minute I look at them. The only thing I can grow is mold. :(
Ok, a secret only my mom knows .... When I was 3 or 4, I had the biggest crush on Tinkerbell. She looked like a hot blond - and dude, she could FLY!

I mean, what is cooler than THAT!
I wear toenail polish year-round. Love having pretty feet. :)
I've been told I'm smart, but I can be a total dumbass.
I love to buy shoes (at one time I owned 243 pairs)...but hate to wear them. I prefer to be barefoot. :confused:
I love to buy shoes (at one time I owned 243 pairs)...but hate to wear them. I prefer to be barefoot. :confused:

I have the same problem, only I tend to have a favorite one or two pair and I wear them all the time. Right now I've been wearing my workboots 6 days a week. :shock: My favorite pair are getting a bit jealous I think..... :lol:
I have the same problem, only I tend to have a favorite one or two pair and I wear them all the time. Right now I've been wearing my workboots 6 days a week. :shock: My favorite pair are getting a bit jealous I think..... :lol:

I had to wear steel-toe boots when I was working at Sears during college. After taking them off after wearing them on a long day, my legs would feel so light. Lol. But my poor toes...oooooooh. :( I hear ya.
I had to wear steel-toe boots when I was working at Sears during college. After taking them off after wearing them on a long day, my legs would feel so light. Lol. But my poor toes...oooooooh. :( I hear ya.

My boots aren't steel toed and they are comfortable, but thing is I now have callouses on my feet where my foot rubs the side of the boot. I wear Georgia Boot Mudd Dogs.
