Spokane NAACP President; white or black?

Looking at how to fill out those forms for the government, education, and employment purposes it states to select what you identify as and some also include select what society identifies you as.... seeing as they assumed she was black that requirement was met...

the requirement was met? the law would disagree
the requirement was met? the law would disagree

Incorrect....review the case of Malone vs Haley...

It has become in fact that race is identified through one of the following... already posted link this os from first one...

(1) Self-reported identity-individuals are asked to assign them-

selves a racial identity based upon the particular group with which

they most closely identify or of which they otherwise feel a part;


(2) "Other-ascribed" identity-individuals are placed into catego-

ries according to the perceptions of their racial or ethnic identity

held by a designated decision-making third party. An individual's

membership in a particular group might thus be determined accord-

ing either to

(a) Member reference-whether or not members of that group

(however defined) consider her to be a fellow member, or

(b) Nonmember reference-whether or not nonmembers of

that group consider her to be a member of that group.
If MLK was still alive, he would say why not a white person to run for a NAACP President? Right?
Spokane NAACP head under pressure over racial-identity flap

"It's not about race, it's about integrity. If you're a leader, you have to have integrity. She clearly lacks integrity. The other piece is credibility."-- A member of the Spokane NAACP has filed a petition calling for the chapter's president to step down. Police are also investigating whether Rachel Dolezal lied about her ethnicity when she applied to be on the police board.

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) - The leader of the NAACP in Spokane is facing calls to step aside after her parents said the 37-year-old activist falsely portrayed herself as black for years.

Rachel Dolezal canceled a chapter meeting Monday where she was expected to speak about the furor sparked over her racial identity. But other members of the organization said they still planned to gather Monday evening.

Dolezal sent out an email Sunday canceling the monthly membership meeting "due to the need to continue discussion with regional and national NAACP leaders."

Shortly after her announcement, the head of the chapter's executive committee, Lawrence Burnley, questioned whether Dolezal had the right to arbitrarily cancel the meeting, KREM-TV in Spokane (http://is.gd/sdOyLy ) reported, quoting an email thread mailed to NAACP members.

"I don't see any language in the bylaws that empowers you, or any one member, to arbitrarily cancel/postpone tomorrow's meeting," Burnley wrote in his email Sunday.

Some are planning a demonstration Monday night calling for Dolezal to step down.

Kitara Johnson, a member of the chapter, organized an online petition calling for Dolezal to take a leave of absence.

"It's not about race, it's about integrity," she said. "If you're a leader, you have to have integrity. She clearly lacks integrity. The other piece is credibility."

Johnson said she and others plan to peacefully protest outside Monday's membership meeting, but they will not attend the meeting.

Attempts to reach Dolezal by telephone were unsuccessful Sunday.

Dolezal was elected president of the local NAACP chapter about six months ago.

The NAACP issued a statement Friday supporting Dolezal, who has been a longtime figure in Spokane's human-rights community and teaches African studies to college students.

Ruthanne Dolezal, Rachel Dolezal's mother, said the family's ancestry is Czech, Swedish and German, with a trace of Native American heritage. She produced a copy of her daughter's Montana birth certificate listing herself and Larry Dolezal as Rachel's parents.

The city of Spokane is investigating whether Dolezal lied about her ethnicity when she applied to be on the police board. Police on Friday said they were suspending investigations into racial-harassment complaints filed by Dolezal, including one from earlier this year in which she said she received hate mail at her office.

Dolezal had said in a statement Friday that she would address the controversy at Monday's meeting.

"As you probably know by now, there are questions and assumptions swirling in national and global news about my family, my race, my credibility, and the NAACP," her statement said.

"It's not about race, it's about integrity. If you're a leader, you have to have integrity. She clearly lacks integrity. The other piece is credibility."-- A member of the Spokane NAACP has filed a petition calling for the chapter's president to step down. Police are also investigating whether Rachel Dolezal lied about her ethnicity when she applied to be on the police board.

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) - The leader of the NAACP in Spokane is facing calls to step aside after her parents said the 37-year-old activist falsely portrayed herself as black for years.

Rachel Dolezal canceled a chapter meeting Monday where she was expected to speak about the furor sparked over her racial identity. But other members of the organization said they still planned to gather Monday evening.

Dolezal sent out an email Sunday canceling the monthly membership meeting "due to the need to continue discussion with regional and national NAACP leaders."

Shortly after her announcement, the head of the chapter's executive committee, Lawrence Burnley, questioned whether Dolezal had the right to arbitrarily cancel the meeting, KREM-TV in Spokane (http://is.gd/sdOyLy ) reported, quoting an email thread mailed to NAACP members.

"I don't see any language in the bylaws that empowers you, or any one member, to arbitrarily cancel/postpone tomorrow's meeting," Burnley wrote in his email Sunday.

Some are planning a demonstration Monday night calling for Dolezal to step down.

Kitara Johnson, a member of the chapter, organized an online petition calling for Dolezal to take a leave of absence.

"It's not about race, it's about integrity," she said. "If you're a leader, you have to have integrity. She clearly lacks integrity. The other piece is credibility."

Johnson said she and others plan to peacefully protest outside Monday's membership meeting, but they will not attend the meeting.

Attempts to reach Dolezal by telephone were unsuccessful Sunday.

Dolezal was elected president of the local NAACP chapter about six months ago.

The NAACP issued a statement Friday supporting Dolezal, who has been a longtime figure in Spokane's human-rights community and teaches African studies to college students.

Ruthanne Dolezal, Rachel Dolezal's mother, said the family's ancestry is Czech, Swedish and German, with a trace of Native American heritage. She produced a copy of her daughter's Montana birth certificate listing herself and Larry Dolezal as Rachel's parents.

The city of Spokane is investigating whether Dolezal lied about her ethnicity when she applied to be on the police board. Police on Friday said they were suspending investigations into racial-harassment complaints filed by Dolezal, including one from earlier this year in which she said she received hate mail at her office.

Dolezal had said in a statement Friday that she would address the controversy at Monday's meeting.

"As you probably know by now, there are questions and assumptions swirling in national and global news about my family, my race, my credibility, and the NAACP," her statement said.


Sure....I will believe that this is not about race....right after I feed my unicorn....
For her application to grad school at Howard, I believe she presented her work as through the experience of a black man. Which being white, she doesn't have the experience of being black and never will, no matter how much shes involved in the black community. Based on her work Howard assumed she was black and would probably have never given her the scholarship had they known she was white. This info comes from people I know who go there right now. Her thesis was also looked at closely because it was odd, given her background and what she did. She was able to defend it successfully but apparently it was tough going. She was showing signs of cultural appropriation back more than 10 years.

Don't forget that she's essentially walking around in blackface.

She's also resigned from the NAACP.
Last edited:
I just heard on the news her birth certificate said she is 'White' , so that should answer the question once and for all. I think it's disgusting that she lied about her race.
Incorrect....review the case of Malone vs Haley...

It has become in fact that race is identified through one of the following... already posted link this os from first one...

(1) Self-reported identity-individuals are asked to assign them-

selves a racial identity based upon the particular group with which

they most closely identify or of which they otherwise feel a part;


(2) "Other-ascribed" identity-individuals are placed into catego-

ries according to the perceptions of their racial or ethnic identity

held by a designated decision-making third party. An individual's

membership in a particular group might thus be determined accord-

ing either to

(a) Member reference-whether or not members of that group

(however defined) consider her to be a fellow member, or

(b) Nonmember reference-whether or not nonmembers of

that group consider her to be a member of that group.

I don't think that applies in this case. there are other issues that they're investigating such as city policy.
If MLK was still alive, he would say why not a white person to run for a NAACP President? Right?

Yeah but this White woman was pretending to be Black , and if she lies about her race I have to wonder what else she will lie about.
Rachel Dolezal Resigns As President Of NAACP Chapter

In the wake of recent controversy surrounding her racial identity, Rachel Dolezal announced her resignation as the president of the Spokane, Washington, chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

The civil rights activist made national news after evidence of her racial identity came to light, revealing that Dolezal was born to white parents despite the fact that she claimed to be of mixed race.

“In the eye of this current storm,” Dolezal said in a statement. “It is with complete allegiance to the cause of racial and social justice and the NAACP that I step aside from the presidency and pass the baton to my Vice President, Naima Quarles-Burnley.”

According to Dolezal, her leave will be in the best interest of the organization.

After Dolezal's white parents came forward stating that she was Caucasian, photos of Dolezal surfaced showing her transformation as she claimed her new racial identity. Dolezal also reportedly identified as black, Native American and white on government forms.

Her statement did not address these issues.

“While challenging the construct of race is at the core of evolving human consciousness,” she wrote, “we can NOT afford to lose sight of the five Game Changers (Criminal Justice & Public Safety, Health & Healthcare, Education, Economic Sustainability, and Voting Rights & Political Representation) that affect millions, often with a life or death outcome.”

The NAACP released a statement supporting Dolezal, saying, “One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership.”

The NAACP chapter voted Dolezal as the president last year. She reportedly helped boost finances and membership for the chapter during her tenure.

Anyone can put whatever race they want on a birth certificate. That's why someone who is half white and half black can put black down or can put white, someone who has a baby that comes from two Mexican parents can put white, etc. There's no law that says you have to put down what other people feel you should.

She also sued Howard for discrimination http://jezebel.com/hooboy-rachel-dolezal-sued-howard-university-for-discr-1711460097

Anyone can put whatever race they want on a birth certificate. That's why someone who is half white and half black can put black down or can put white, someone who has a baby that comes from two Mexican parents can put white, etc. There's no law that says you have to put down what other people feel you should.

She also sued Howard for discrimination http://jezebel.com/hooboy-rachel-dolezal-sued-howard-university-for-discr-1711460097


True that...as per ex-daughter-in-law...reason for putting down "white"?...She said the baby would "have a better chance at life"....:hmm:...So, her daughter plays off "white"...and dates white guys...when she marries, she'll need to clear up the record in case she gives birth to an all-black child....:hmm:
Well...maybe a chocolate milk blood transfusion might work? :giggle:...but seriously tho'., feel something is wrong and she's not playing with a full deck...

Maybe next week, I'll feel like I'm Chinese....and if that's the way I feel...:nana:.....:lol:

It shouldnt matter tO anyone what people think they are and howbtheybsee themselves
Trns sexual, trans racial, trns anything..
Its their eyes, their body,
Well...maybe a chocolate milk blood transfusion might work? :giggle:...but seriously tho'., feel something is wrong and she's not playing with a full deck...

Maybe next week, I'll feel like I'm Chinese....and if that's the way I feel...:nana:.....:lol:

In all seriousness though, the lying and false persona this woman has created seems like she may fall somewhere the personality disorder spectrum, like maybe in the umbrella of Histrionic or BPD or just Personality Disorder-NOS (not otherwise specified) to me...or perhaps there needs to be a new Dysphoria diagnosis added to the DSM, such as Racial Dysphoria, kind of like how Gender-Dysphoria is currently the medical term for "transgender" in the DSM-V....

Either way, i feel this woman needs to talk to a therapist and figure out all of her thoughts and emotions
In all seriousness though, the lying and false persona this woman has created seems like she may fall somewhere the personality disorder spectrum, like maybe in the umbrella of Histrionic or BPD or just Personality Disorder-NOS (not otherwise specified) to me...or perhaps there needs to be a new Dysphoria diagnosis added to the DSM, such as Racial Dysphoria, kind of like how Gender-Dysphoria is currently the medical term for "transgender" in the DSM-V....

Either way, i feel this woman needs to talk to a therapist and figure out all of her thoughts and emotions

She comes across tome to actually truly believe what she says, that she is black,and sees herself as black
i.really doubt she is the only human being thst has this whst ever it willbe called
If she is the only one, then damn
Thats one unique person.we have here..
In all seriousness though, the lying and false persona this woman has created seems like she may fall somewhere the personality disorder spectrum, like maybe in the umbrella of Histrionic or BPD or just Personality Disorder-NOS (not otherwise specified) to me...or perhaps there needs to be a new Dysphoria diagnosis added to the DSM, such as Racial Dysphoria, kind of like how Gender-Dysphoria is currently the medical term for "transgender" in the DSM-V....

Either way, i feel this woman needs to talk to a therapist and figure out all of her thoughts and emotions

Yes....maybe she used the "black card" to get freebies (schooling)?....that's fraud....(seems she sued the University also).....
Yes....maybe she used the "black card" to get freebies (schooling)?....that's fraud....(seems she sued the University also).....

This isnt international news due to it bieng fraud.
Has fraud become that rare?