Spokane NAACP President; white or black?

No. That's my point. I do not believe that person is a member of that community. Dolezal is not a member of the Black Community; nor is she a member of Howard College. She may still be a member of the NAACP, at this point in time, but I'm sure that will change. These are not two separate issues.

gotcha. thanks for making yourself clearer.

waiting to see if she broke any law... maybe just the fraud part with college scholarship.
'Black' NAACP President Opens Up About The Controversy,

Says She Doesn't Give A Crap What We Lowly Commoners Think

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting read to pop my next bag of popcorn.

In case you haven’t heard by now, the "black" president of the Spokane chapter of the NAACP, Rachel Dolezal, has been totally posing as a black person, despite being white. Her parents actually told reporters that she has a German, Swedish, and Czech background. But the NAACP is totally cool with her lying through her liar hole about her race.

But guess what? Dolezal doesn’t give “two sh*ts” what any of you think. At least that’s what she told a Sky News interviewer.

She’s totally black still. Even though she isn’t actually black. In fact, she said doesn’t feel as though she needs to explain herself to “a community that I quite frankly don’t think really understands the definitions of race and ethnicity.”

Yeah. We’re the ones who don’t understand the definition of race and ethnicity. Mmmmmmkay.

We just need to accept Dolezal’s trans-blackness. Because it doesn’t matter what the truth is. It’s all about how she feeeeeeeeels.

Stay tuned for more wack.

This reminds me of the hearies...who say they're deaf..."deaf wannabees"...Don't believe birth certificates lie...does she need shoe polish to help her appearance?....I'm white...but wanna be Japanese...next week, Chinese,,next week...Black...think I'm believable?

Is jenner belivible?
Oh wow, that why I don't support affirmative action.

Not all people are like that . My daughter is Black and she did not use this get into college. That guy made it looks bad for people that are Black .
Not all people are like that . My daughter is Black and she did not use this get into college. That guy made it looks bad for people that are Black .

She is only half blAck. Your not black sre you? Besides she woukd be a jew rifht? Jews are maternical and is passed on by mother..(spent years living with a jew, thus i know this and more)....
If we aree going to attack a girl who is 20% black on this thread for "pretending " to be black, then when does it become black?
Obama is 50% yet he is only termed black...
It doesnt matyer to me. But it matters to some in thisbthresd apperently..
She is only half blAck. Your not black sre you? Besides she woukd be a jew rifht? Jews are maternical and is passed on by mother..(spent years living with a jew, thus i know this and more)....
If we aree going to attack a girl who is 20% black on this thread for "pretending " to be black, then when does it become black?
Obama is 50% yet he is only termed black...
It doesnt matyer to me. But it matters to some in thisbthresd apperently..
This 37-year-old "girl" is not 20% black; she's 0% black.
This 37-year-old "girl" is not 20% black; she's 0% black.

And jenner is 0% a women...
But so what?
She sees heeself as black. She has kived amongst them, she is 50% less black then obama,
What does it matter to you or anyone if she views and sees herself. a Msrtian. A chinese, a black, a man,
Its her eyes, her mind.
We as a society accept, promote and laud men, kids even born males.changing to women, boen women changing to men, born Deaf forced to be hearie,
Why the big fuss at this chick
Youll claim its about lies..
But no most the net is abuzz not over lies..but over "shes born white...shes white) (she has no black dna), (she is not black)...(she wears dreasdlocks)
These are all raciall statements...very little of the outrage is about lying...this thread has deminstrated it.
Of course racial arguments of purity wont gO far, so the lyig will be the maiin push now but that just means she has a bright duture as a politician.....but since it broke its been a racial argument..
And jenner is 0% a women...
But so what?
She sees heeself as black. She has kived amongst them, she is 50% less black then obama,
What does it matter to you or anyone if she views and sees herself. a Msrtian. A chinese, a black, a man,
Its her eyes, her mind.
We as a society accept, promote and laud men, kids even born males.changing to women, boen women changing to men, born Deaf forced to be hearie,
Some people laud them, not all.

Why the big fuss at this chick
Youll claim its about lies..
But no most the net is abuzz not over lies..but over "shes born white...shes white) (she has no black dna), (she is not black)...(she wears dreasdlocks)
These are all raciall statements...very little of the outrage is about lying...this thread has demonstrated it....
I can't speak for other people. I don't care how she wears her hair and I haven't even mentioned it. I'm not outraged. It's just bizarre. If she used her race to get an unfair advantage over others that would be something to be concerned about.
Some people laud them, not all.

I can't speak for other people. I don't care how she wears her hair and I haven't even mentioned it. I'm not outraged. It's just bizarre. If she used her race to get an unfair advantage over others that would be something to be concerned about.

Clesrly jenner has been on every single fronr page ive seen...thsts more.then a mere some people...
As per the dreads, you msy not care but a poster in this thread certainly did...
Clesrly jenner has been on every single fronr page ive seen...thsts more.then a mere some people…
The Jenner story is in the media because it's odd not because it's laudable. If some people want to praise Jenner for this, that's their prerogative. Personally, I think it's misplaced but that's my opinion.

As per the dreads, you msy not care but a poster in this thread certainly did...
So, take it up with the other poster and quit bringing it up in replies to me.
The Jenner story is in the media because it's odd not because it's laudable. If some people want to praise Jenner for this, that's their prerogative. Personally, I think it's misplaced but that's my opinion.

So, take it up with the other poster and quit bringing it up in replies to me.

No jenner its not bieng lauded and praised the media because its odd, if that was the case this girl who clearly is odd by any stretch of the term would be too.
She is not.
Instead she is being attacked...
your the one who replied to my post re the dreads, thus my reply to you
To be honest, I'm not really understanding the Bruce Jenner conflict here. This woman doesn't have a biological disposition to being African-American other than the fact that all humans might have come from Africa. In addition, I can't actually say that Bruce Jenner lied or attempted to lie to gain a position.

Agreeing or disagreeing with either case does not make them both the same case.
No jenner its not bieng lauded and praised the media because its odd, if that was the case this girl who clearly is odd by any stretch of the term would be too.
She is not.
Instead she is being attacked...
your the one who replied to my post re the dreads, thus my reply to you
I didn't say the media lauded Jenner. I said the opposite. This was my post:

"The Jenner story is in the media because it's odd not because it's laudable."
Do remember my ex daughter-in-law who was from Canada and half black/white....when her baby was born, it looked more black than white...and on the birth certificate she listed the baby as "white"....saying the child would "have a better chance" in life.....
Do remember my ex daughter-in-law who was from Canada and half black/white....when her baby was born, it looked more black than white...and on the birth certificate she listed the baby as "white"....saying the child would "have a better chance" in life.....

That's different. It's using what you have to your best advantage.
Lawrence Dolezal said. “We are definitely her birth parents. We are both of Caucasian and European descent — Czech, German and a few other things.

When we tell children that they can be anyone they want to be to achieve their success and happiness. I guess it was their dream to become what they want to be very much in spite of what White people think.

The black bold statement said "few other things" after the Czech and German. Maybe they are ashamed of other things that might indicate that they may have black blood in them.

Yeah, she may lied but we need to ask her to clarify the truth but if she refused to admit or clarify that she has a reason why she want to be Black very much. She is proud of being Black. Let her have freedom of choice of who she want to be and be happy being Black. I don't know what was like for her to grow up in her family (Black or White). You have to remember that is all what the media want to paint them and to put a blame on her just to get the readers believe that the news are true which might not be true. She does not like to be patronized by the media and being questioned which is none of the media business. She chose not to say anything that would upset her very deeply. I would like her to say what she need to say for the truth. She can be Black or White whatever she want to be.